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Chapter 6: Cell Structures & Their Functions

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1 Chapter 6: Cell Structures & Their Functions

2 6.3 Prokaryotic Cell Structure

3 6.3 Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Nucleoid – the “nuclear” region of a prokayrotic cell, in which the chromosome is attached to the plasma membrane

4 6.3 Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Plasmid – Circular DNA molecules found in prokaryotic cells that contain a few genes that help the bacteria survive under specific conditions.

5 6.3 Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Bacterial cells typically come in 3 shapes: 1. Bacilli = rod shaped

6 6.3 Prokaryotic Cell Structure
2. Coccus = spherical

7 6.3 Prokaryotic Cell Structure
3. Spirillum = corkscrew shaped

8 6.3 Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Many prokaryotic cells have flagella. Flagella – long, whiplike extensions made of protein that rotate like propellers, allowing cells to “swim” through water or other fluids

9 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Organelles – small functional cell parts; each have their own structure & function Compartmentalization makes eukaryotic cells more efficient b/c processes can be separated which allows for division of labor.

10 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Cell Wall A rigid structure that surrounds plant & fungal cells (NOT ANIMAL CELLS) used for support & protection ***One of the biggest differences between plant & animal cells.***

11 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Centriole Tubular structures in animal, algae, & some fungal cells (NOT IN PLANTS) that play a role in cell division/reproduction ***Another difference between plant & animal cells)

12 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Chloroplast Double-membrane organelle in plant cells (NOT IN ANIMAL CELLS) in which photosynthesis occurs ***Another major difference between animal & plant cells***

13 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Cilia Short flagella surrounding the cell that are used for movement of the cell or moving material along a cell/tissue

14 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Cytoplasm (Cytosol) The gel-like substance that fills the cell in which the organelles are bathed

15 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Cytoskeleton Fine protein fibers that help shape the cell & organize the cytoplasm; can help move eukaryotic cells & can hold organelles in place or move them around

16 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) A system of membranes that form tubes & channels used to transport proteins & other substances

17 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Flagella Found in some eukaryotic cells; found within the plasma membrane & used for motion

18 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Golgi Apparatus A series of membranous sacs that packages materials in vesicles for movement around the cell or export out of the cell

19 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Lysosome Special vesicle in animal cells (NOT IN PLANT CELLS) that contains enzymes to break down food & digest food

20 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Mitochondrion A double-membraned organelle which is the major site of ATP synthesis; “power plant” of cell

21 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Nucleolus An area within the nucleus where RNA is synthesized

22 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Nucleus Organelle surrounded by a nuclear membrane; considered the genetic control center b/c it contains chromosomes (strands of DNA) ***Major difference of prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes***

23 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Plasma Membrane (Cell Membrane) Surrounds all types of cells (prokaryotic & eukaryotic) & is responsible for letting substances into & out of the cell -Not a source of protection….

24 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Ribosomes Small bodies of RNA that catalyze the synthesis of proteins; can be found floating in cytoplasm or attached to the ER

25 6.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Vacuole Vesicles in a cell that store water & food (among some other substances) ***Make up a huge percentage of volume of plants cells (give plants their rigidity); They are present in animal cells also, but they are much smaller in size.***


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