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SMA Teaching Moment Take-A-Stand: Super Bowl Commercial Nov

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1 SMA Teaching Moment Take-A-Stand: Super Bowl Commercial Nov
SMA Teaching Moment Take-A-Stand: Super Bowl Commercial Nov.5, Jin-Woo Kim, Ph.D. Department of Marketing College of Business

2 2 This is historical viewership statistics.
Actually, 90 million U.S. people watched Super bowl 2009 and half of the viewers also watched advertisings. 2

3 Statistics: Viewership
This is historical viewership statistics. Actually, 90 million U.S. people watched Super bowl 2009 and half of the viewers also watched advertisings. In 2016, advertisements in the Super Bowl were watched by million U.S. viewers and half of viewers also watched commercials 3

4 In 2016, 30-second spots cost $5 million, on average
Statistics: Ad Cost In contrast, some people are so skeptical for super bowl advertising because Super bowl is not that effective in terms of risk. Investing all your ad budget for one day is similar with gambling “All In” with your money. In fact, not every super bowl ads is not that successful. Actually, 30 second ad costs three million dollars in 2009. I wondered why there is pros and cons for super bowl ads. I searched for related paper and articles about advertising effectiveness And realized that there are two main approaches to ad effectiveness. In 2016, 30-second spots cost $5 million, on average

5 Class Participation: Take-A-Stand
1. Do you like or dislike Super Bowl commercial? Take your spot from “extremely dislike (1)” to “extremely like (5)” Extremely Dislike Neutral Like Extremely Dislike Like

6 Media Planning Media planning begins with a careful analysis of the target market. It involves understanding the process they use in making purchases, the consumer behavior events that guide those choices. It involves studying the media choices the target market makes and understanding their listening and viewing habits. To match the media to the target market requires understanding the target market.

7 People Involved in Media Selection
Media Buyer formulates the media program stating when and where ads will be placed needs to understand the characteristics of the target audience actually purchases the space and negotiate rates for ads Media Planner Account Planner In the advertising agency, there are some key individuals. The account executive is the liaison between the company and the agency. They are to represent the client within the agency. Account planners are the voice of the consumer and assist in overall planning and strategic direction of the campaign. Their role is to see the total picture. The creative director is responsible for the creative aspect of the campaign and works with the agency’s creative staff. The traffic manager’s role is to manage the campaign scheduling to ensure the campaign is finished on time. With multiple components, as was in the Oscar Mayer campaign, it means juggling numerous deadlines and people’s schedules. Media buyers and planners are involved in the selection and purchase of media. Creative Account Executive Client

8 Class Participation: Take-A-Stand
If someone recommends you to release your company’s commercial during the Super Bowl Event, would you agree or disagree with the recommendation as a media planner? How much would you agree or disagree? Three situations are given. You can change your spot during the session.

9 Class Participation: Take-A-Stand
2. Situation 1 (Oscar Meyer): Take your spot Strongly Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Agree

10 Class Participation: Take-A-Stand
3. Situation 2 (Maserati): Take your spot Strongly Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Agree

11 Class Participation: Take-A-Stand
5. Situation 3 (Net Jet): Take your spot Strongly Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Agree

12 Media Planner Target audience’s characteristics need to be matched with media audience characteristics. Ads are more likely to be noticed and have an effect if they are placed on media and on programs that are watched or viewed by the target audience. A target market that likes sports should be matched with programs about sports.

13 Media planning begins with a careful analysis of the target market.
It involves understanding the process they use in making purchases, the consumer behavior events that guide those choices. It involves studying the media choices the target market makes and understanding their listening and viewing habits. Media planning begins with a careful analysis of the target market. It involves understanding the process they use in making purchases, the consumer behavior events that guide those choices. It involves studying the media choices the target market makes and understanding their listening and viewing habits. To match the media to the target market requires understanding the target market.

14 Media Planner The media planner formulates the media program stating when and where ads will be placed. Media planners work closely with the creative staff, the account executive, account planners, and media buyers. The media planner needs to understand the characteristics of the target audience. The media planner needs to understand the characteristics of the target audience. Those characteristics then need to be matched with media audience characteristics. Ads are more likely to be noticed and have an effect if they are placed on media and on programs that are watched or viewed by the target audience. A target market that likes sports should be matched with programs about sports.

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