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Classroom Hacks

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Hacks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Hacks

2 PROBLEM: No Wall Space

3 Solution: Laminated Tag Board, Picture Frames, Windows

4 PROBLEM: Messy Desk

5 Solution: Paperwork Folders, Supplies Toolkit

6 PROBLEM: Losing My Books

7 Solution: Book Retriever
Cell Phone App Enter Students Scan Barcodes Check In/ Check Out (iPhone friendly)

8 Discussing with a BIG Class
PROBLEM: Discussing with a BIG Class

9 Solution: chatzy

10 Ineffective Conferencing
PROBLEM: Ineffective Conferencing

11 Solution: conferencing notebook
…which I would show you, had I not returned all my notes to students.

12 PROBLEM: Lame Writing Prompts

13 Solution: pinterest

14 PROBLEM: Acting Apathy

15 Solution: Prop Box Wigs Old Clothes Belts Bags Fabric Scraps
Stuffed Animals Hats Household Items

16 PROBLEM: Makeup Work

17 Solution: Makeup Bin Each day’s assignments are put in the folder correlating with that date. I put names on work for absent kids as we go and throw them in the box at the end of the period. I also keep a copy of the week’s lesson plans by the box, so they see everything they may have missed.

18 PROBLEM: Bad Days

19 Solution: Motivation Wall

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