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Etiquette in Human-Computer Work

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1 Etiquette in Human-Computer Work
Christopher Miller, Chair Timothy Bickmore Clifford Nass Raja Parasuraman

2 Etiquette What is it, and how does it relate to computing?
We asked an expert in etiquette We learned: - How to introduce yourself and greet people - How to hold your knife and fork - The underlying rationales of etiquette

3 Relevance of Etiquette to HCI
Etiquette defines a set of rules of conduct appropriate for a given social situation HCI takes place within a social situation The user organization provides a social context HCI itself has social aspects (Reeves & Nass)

4 But Etiquette is More… “Thoughtful consideration of the other person”

5 Some Implications System should know what behavior is prescribed and proscribed in current context Monitor and evaluate user’s activity to determine what rules apply Take into account user characteristics Be aware of intent behind of system’s communication Adapt interaction if breakdowns occur

6 Specialists Present at Workshop
Designers of critical HCI systems Designers of pedagogical systems Researchers in computer-medicated communication Specialists in security and privacy concerns

7 Case Study: Mr. Clippy

8 Conclusions Issues of etiquette relevant to
Agent personalization Human-robot interfaces Intent inference in human-machine systems Too bad you all missed our workshop!

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