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Vorticity Vertical component of vorticity: i.e., the rotation about the local vertical There are three types of vorticity used in geophysical fluid dynamics.

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Presentation on theme: "Vorticity Vertical component of vorticity: i.e., the rotation about the local vertical There are three types of vorticity used in geophysical fluid dynamics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vorticity Vertical component of vorticity: i.e., the rotation about the local vertical There are three types of vorticity used in geophysical fluid dynamics If the wind is geostrophic, the geostrophic relative vorticity is given by

2 Vorticity y + + x

3 Divergence Divergence: From the continuity equation -
For incompressible flow: Most meteorologists simply use divergence when they mean the horizontal divergence

4 Divergence

5 Vorticity and Divergence
Why they are important? What’s the unit? What’s the order of the magnitude? Relative Vorticity (Synoptic Scales) Why?

6 Vorticity and Divergence (Synoptic Scale)
Relative Vorticity Same signs for both terms

7 Vorticity in Nature Coordinates
Curvature effect S n V Shear effect - The smaller the R (i.e., curved more, shorter waves), the stronger the curvature term. R is positive for cyclonic circulation and negative for anti-cyclonic circulation.

8 Vorticity ? curvature Shear

9 Vorticity Advection L V wind speed Trough Ridge Relative vorticity
Planetary vorticity advection

10 Vorticity Advection (shorter Rossby waves)
L V Trough Ridge PVA Postive Vorticity Advection Wavelength (PVA)

11 Vorticity Advection (shorter Rossby waves)
PVA (assume wave solution) z decreases with time ascent divergence aloft convergence PVA Adiabatic cooling

12 Vorticity Advection (shorter Rossby waves)
L V Trough Ridge Divergence PVA

13 Vorticity Advection (shorter Rossby waves)
L V Trough Ridge Con. Div. NVA PVA Waves propagate eastward!

14 Vorticity Advection (shorter Rossby waves)
NVA (assume wave solution) z increases with time decent convergence aloft divergence NVA Adiabatic warming

15 Vorticity Advection (shorter Rossby waves)
wave speed C 564 570 576 PVA NVA Trough Wave propagation speed Tropopause z level of non-divergence mb speed U C

16 H L Vertical Coupling PVA NVA Tropopause level of non-divergence
wave speed C 564 570 576 PVA NVA Trough z speed U C Tropopause level of non-divergence mb H L Will grow Will grow

17 Low-level cyclone and 500mb heights
5520 5460 direction of propagation L warm air mass cold air mass warm front cold front 996 992 988 ** 32 31 .. 39 37 49 46 . 56 52 Upper and low-level coupled together – upper level trough enhances the low-level cyclone development.

18 Low-level cyclone and 500mb heights
5520 5460 5520 5460 L upper level trough catches low-level system – low level system is decaying. upper level trough is about to catch low-level system.

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