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Third Declension Adjectives

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1 Third Declension Adjectives

2 You’ve learned adjectives that belong to 1st and 2nd declensions.
superbus, superba, superbum egregius, egregia, egregium miser, misera, miserum N.B.* 1st word listed is masc. 2nd word listed is fem. 3rd word listed is neut. (Nota Bene = Note Well)

3 Let’s take a look at a few 3rd declension adjectives.
celer, celeris, celere (swift) fortis, forte (strong, brave) par (equal) There are 3 types of 3rd declension adjectives: 3 endings (m/f/n) 2 endings (m&f/n) 1 ending (m&f&n)

4 Identify each adjective as 1st/2nd declension or 3rd declension.
1) praeceps (gen., praecipitis) facilis, facile clarus, clara, clarum omnis, omne pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum acer, acris, acre 3rd declension 1st/2nd declension

5 Which form of each adjective modifies the masculine noun equus?
celer, celeris, celere (swift) fortis, forte (strong, brave) par (equal) equus celer = masc. equus fortis = masc. & fem. equus par = masc. & fem. & neut.

6 Which form of each adjective modifies the feminine noun puella?
celer, celeris, celere (swift) fortis, forte (strong, brave) par (equal) puella celeris = fem. puella fortis = masc. & fem. puella par = masc. & fem. & neut.

7 Match the adjectives to the nouns they modify.
1) ius (n) fuga (f) ludus (m) par fortis forte celer celeris celere

8 Match the adjectives to the nouns they modify.
1) ius (n) fuga (f) ludus (m) par fortis forte celer celeris celere

9 Match the adjectives to the nouns they modify.
1) ius (n) fuga (f) ludus (m) par fortis forte celer celeris celere

10 Match the adjectives to the nouns they modify.
1) ius (n) fuga (f) ludus (m) par fortis forte celer celeris celere

11 Masculine & Feminine N --- ēs G is ium D ī ibus Acc em ēs Abl ī ibus
These endings are similar to i-stems. 3rd Declension Adjectives – MASCULINE and FEMININE 3rd Declension Adjectives - NEUTER Masculine & Feminine N ēs G is ium D ī ibus Acc em ēs Abl ī ibus Neuter N ia G is ium D ī ibus Acc ia Abl ī ibus

12 Decline swift flight. N fugae celerēs G fugārum celerium
D fugīs celeribus A fugās celerēs Abl fugīs celeribus N fugae G fugārum D fugīs A fugās Abl fugīs N fuga G fugae D fugae A fugam Abl fugā N fuga celeris G fugae celeris D fugae celerī A fugam celerem Abl fugā celerī Masculine & Feminine N --- ēs G is ium D ī ibus Acc em ēs Abl ī ibus Hint: base of adjective = fem. form – “is” OR (for adj. w/ 1 ending) gen. sing. – “is”

13 Translate. Puerī fortēs omnibus amicīs saccum pecuniae dabunt.

14 Translate. Puerī fortēs omnibus amicīs saccum pecuniae dabunt.
The strong boys will give all (their) friends a bag of money.

15 Translate. Multī militēs fortēs hodiē sunt parēs militibus Romanīs. =

16 Translate. = Multī militēs fortēs hodiē sunt parēs militibus Romanīs.
Many brave soldiers today are equal to Roman soldiers. =

17 Review. Decline “easy duty.” officium, offici – n. facilis, facile
2) Give in Latin: (a) swift boys (acc.); (b) brave citizen (abl.); (c) all towns (abl.)

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