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First 2016 JM Speech Team Meeting

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1 First 2016 JM Speech Team Meeting
WELCOME! First 2016 JM Speech Team Meeting

2 Getting Started Introductions & Paperwork Warm Up Introductions
Senior Captains Team members (by category) Paperwork Lucky Speech Folders Practice Sheets, Rate/Rank Forms, & Member Booklets Brought to you by Coach Adam!

3 Coaches Corner Introductions Coach Nieland – head coach Coach Lyke
Coach Adam Coach Ashley Coach Tom Coaching 4 days a week Coaching by appointment Disco. & Ex. Sp. Coach (Fridays)

4 More Details Junior Captains Schedules
Now is the last opportunity to vote Only returning speech members get to vote You may vote for two candidates You may only vote once Workshops on W. & Th. Students highlighted in yellow still need to verify their time slot (initial by your name) Does your slot not work? Follow the 3-step process Expectations for your first individual practice

5 Dollars & Deadlines JM Activity Registration DEADLINE = Friday
Without this we do not have funds to officially hire Coach Adam : students who don’t complete this by Friday will not be allowed to practice or competeOnline Resources2nd blue box $35 Speech Team fee DEADLINE = Thursday Without this we don’t have money to run our invitational, to keep a subscription to 4N6 Fanatics, etc. Checks written to “JM Speech Team Donation”

6 Deadlines (no Dollars)
Registration for Tournaments Sign up if you CAN NOT compete If your plans change you need to let Nieland know by the Tuesday before the meet (by 3:10) If we register you and then you don’t show it costs the team up to $81 (and our budget is really tight) so please be sure of your schedule Cannon Falls – Feb. 6th Our home tournament – Feb. 13th Parent/Guardian Meeting – Tues. Jan. 26th – 6:15- 7:15 PM Pizza Ranch Fundraiser – Feb. 3rd – sign up for a shift & spread the word

7 Other Details T-shirts
Free tickets to the Rochester Rep. on Thurs. Jan. 14th – see Nieland if you’re interested Questions? (We have answers.) Announce Junior Captains

8 Categories & Focus Areas
Breakout Groups Categories & Focus Areas Who & Where Ex. Speakers – Analogies Coach Adam – Art Area (front) Great Sp., Informative, and O.O. – Delivery 101 Coach Ashley – Art Area (back) Discussion – Read Disco. 101 from Coach Tom, est. a system to organize your research, & research Coach Lyke – Computers in Art Area Creative, Drama, Duo, Ex. Reading, Humor, Poetry, Prose, and Storytelling – cutting analysis Coach Lyke – this room Don’t forget: a coach or senior captain will sign your yellow sheet sometime after 4:15.

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