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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Do you like bananas?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

2 Rewiew Do you have a…? soccer ball tennis racket basketball volleyball
ping-pong bat pen pencil eraser backpack

3 listen to a song

4 fruit What’s this in English? It’s a / an … orange banana strawberry
apple pear fruit banana strawberry watermelon

5 Vegetable: tomato broccoli potato carrot

6 Let’s go to KFC. French fries salad hamburger chicken ice cream

7 tomatoes hamburgers

8 bananas oranges

9 French fries strawberries

10 salad ice cream

11 broccoli chicken

12 II. Match the words hamburgers tomatoes broccoli French fries orange
ice cream salad bananas strawberries pears d g a h e f c b i j

13 单数 复数 an apple an orange a hamburger a banana a strawberry a tomato
可数名词 单数 复数 an apple an orange a hamburger a banana a strawberry a tomato a carrot two apples five oranges some hamburgers ten bananas many strawberries four tomatoes seven carrots

14 Q: Do you like bananas / hamburgers? A: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Talk about food. apples bananas oranges strawberries hamburgers tomatoes French fries Q: Do you like bananas / hamburgers? A: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

15 1b. listen and number the conversations 1-3
A: Do you like salad? B: No, I don’t. 2 A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. 1 A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do. 3

16 Pair work. I like …, but I don’t like .... A: Do you like….?
B: Yes, I do. I like… B: No, I don’t. I don’t like… I like …, but I don’t like ....

17 She likes…, but she doesn’t like …
Q:Does she like strawberries? A:Yes ,she does. Q:Does she like bananas? A:No ,she doesn’t. She likes…, but she doesn’t like …

18 chicken broccoli salad ice cream Q: Does Bob like chicken / ice cream?
A: Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. Bob likes broccoli, but he doesn’t like chicken.

19 like dislike Food survey food name
Q: Do you like bananas / hamburgers? A: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Report: Liu Li likes tomatoes, apples…, but she doesn’t like broccoli, hamburgers…

20 Ⅲ. Summary Food names hamburgers, oranges, bananas, pears
tomatoes, strawberries, French fries broccoli, ice cream, salad Ask & answer what you like or dislike Q: Do you like bananas / ice cream? A: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

21 Homework Collect more names of food. For example: onion, egg… Practice the conversations in 1b .Then make your own conversations. 3. Finish the survey and write a report.

22 No matter what food you like or don’t like ,
you should eat something healthy.

23 Health is happiness. 健康就是幸福

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