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Why family holidays are so important for us?

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Presentation on theme: "Why family holidays are so important for us?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why family holidays are so important for us?
Выполнена: Бакаевой М.В., учителем английского языка МКОУ «СОШ с. Благовещенка

2 Tonguetwister I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.

3 Days of the week Sunday for God, Monday is hard, Tuesday is time to start! WEDNESDAY- NEW LIFE: You’ve got a five. Thursday for tests, goodbye. On Friday you do your best, On Saturday you have a rest! At last you have a rest. And excellent marks for the test.

4 Choose a holiday to the picture

5 Share your ideas about holidays
I think people in the USA celebrate Christmas … As far as I know the British celebrate Easter … In my opinion the Russians celebrate Victory Day…,…

6 Countries Holidays Australia The USA The UK Canada Russia New Zealand
Match the holidays and the countries where they are celebrated Countries Holidays Australia The USA The UK Canada Russia New Zealand 1.Christmas (25.12) Victory Day (9.05) 2.St. Valentines Day(14.02) Independence Day Day(12.06) 3.Australia Day(26.01) Christmas Day (7.01) (4.Canada Day(1.07) 5. Independence Day(4.07) 6.Waitangi Day(6.02)

7 Balloons Breathe in 1,2,3,4 Breathe out

8 Thanksgiving Day

9 The trip on the Mayflower
The pilgrims reached Plymouth rock on December 11th 1620, after a sea journey of 66 days. Though the original destination was somewhere in the northern part of Virginia, they could not reach the place owing to winds blowing them off course. Nearly46 pilgrims died due to extreme cold in winter. However, in the spring of 1621, Squanto, a native Indian taught the pilgrims to survive by growing food.

10 Answer the questions: 1. How many people went on the Mayflower from England to America? 2. How long did it take them to cross the Atlantic Ocean? 3. Had many people died before the Mayflower arrived in America?

11 What does family means to you?
  LISTENING GAP FILL What does family ___________________? In a perfect world, all families should be happy and everyone should ______________well together. I know ___________________ families that have many problems. Brothers and sisters who _________ ________ each other, parents who never talk to each other. I wonder why this is. How can you live so ________________ to your family members and feel apart from them? There is a lot of talk ___________________ about the breakdown of_____ life. Divorce is rising everywhere in the world. This means single parents have less _____________ to spend with their children, which creates problems. Maybe the ___________ of modern life puts too much pressure on families. It ______________as though family life was better a generation or two ago. Is this true for families in your country?

12 Check your answers What does family mean to you? In a perfect world, all families should be happy and everyone should get on well together. I know a lot of families that have many problems. Brothers and sisters who don’t like each other, parents who never talk to each other. I wonder why this is. How can you live so close to your family members and feel apart from them? There is a lot of talk in the news about the breakdown of family life. Divorce is rising everywhere in the world. This means single parents have less time to spend with their children, which creates problems. Maybe the stress of modern life puts too much pressure on families. It seems as though family life was better a generation or two ago. Is this true for families in your country?

13 Look left, right Look up, look down Look around. Look at your nose Look at that rose Close your eyes Open, wink and smile Your eyes are happy again..

14 I love my Family I Love My Family
I love my family because they're filled with love I picture them as angels from heaven above I know they love me and I know they care our love is so big but there's enough to share We're never alone it will be like that forever I love my family we will always be together by Justice Bullock

15 Family The dearest in our life
Loving Lives Loving Family Friendly Loving Adores Lives Values People, who stand by you no matter what The dearest in our life

16 Discuss traditional Russian holidays ,using the questions as a plan
Why people celebrate special days with their families? Do you remember any traditional family holiday celebrated in Russia? When is it celebrated? Who is usually invited for that holiday? What is traditional food for that holiday? What do people usually do?(sing, dance, go for a walk)

17 Our favorite holiday is the New Years Eve ,on this holiday we gather together. We decorate the New Year Tree. My Mum and I cook delicious food. We usually invite our relatives and friends to our New Year’s Party. I like to give presents very much We usually sit around the big table, have a nice dinner, talk and laugh a lot. I have a very good time with my family!

18 Want Don’t want Try Like come they First Second Then Besides
There are a lot of reasons why people celebrate special days with their families First Second Then Besides Afterwards Finally they Want Don’t want Try Like come To see each other To give presents to each other To get presents To eat tasty things To talk to each other To argue with each other To express their respect to older members of the family To sing and dance


20 Thank you for the work!

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