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NPOL Olympex Located N/ W, 157 m ASL

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1 NPOL Olympex Located 47.2772N/-124.211 W, 157 m ASL
S-band, dual-polarization, Doppler Radar Beam width 0.95° Vaisala/SIGMET processor Strategy: PPI, RHI_land, RHI_ocean, Birdbath. Full sequence required 21 minutes. Scans were run continuously with no deviations for targets of opportunity except for Nov 14 RHIs over Chahelis River Basin for DC-8 support. PPI: 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 deg elevation RHI land sector (16 azimuths separated by 2 deg): 30 deg --> 60 deg. RHI oceanic sector (40 azimuths separated by 3 deg): 210 deg --> 326 deg. BB: 2 revolutions

2 NPOL Data Processing Multiple step process
Removal of non-precipitating echo Reflectivity Calibration Differential reflectivity calibration Calculation of KDP (DROPS2; Chandra) DSD and rain rate retrievals ZZ Uncorrected reflectivity CZ Corrected reflectivity rHV Correlation coefficient ZDR Differential reflectivity FDP Differential phase KDP Specific differential phase (DROPS2) SW Spectrum Width SQI Signal quality index VR Radial velocity FH Hydrometeor ID (Dolan) DM Mass weighted mean diameter NW Normalized intercept parameter using DM D0 Median volume diameter N2 Normalized intercept parameter using D0 RR Rain rate (DROPS2; Chandra) RP Rain rate PolZR (Bringi et al. 2007) RC Rain rate (Cifelli 2002) Final output is Universal Format (UF)

3 ZDR Monitoring & Calibration
ZDR Calibration monitored via use of hourly birdbath scans. Steady throughout campaign. Final post-campaign adjustment of -0.2 dB 13 Jan 2016 12 Nov 2015 rHV ZH ZDR

4 Reflectivity Calibration Stability
Stability of reflectivity calibration tracked by Relative Calibration Adjustment (RCA: Silberstein et al. 2007; Wolff et al. 2013) RCA tracks the stability of the 95th percentile of clutter area reflectivity. Left panel shows the hourly PDF and CDF of clutter area reflectivity. Note that significant precipitation on this day does not effect the 95th percentile. Olympex time-series shows very stable calibration with daily standard deviation of less than 0.1 dB!

5 Absolute Reflectivity Calibration Self-Consistency (Ryzhkov et al
Limited cases due to Kdp at S-band with very small drops. Data were selected from km range and 1.5 degree elevation QC and Zdr bias correction applied. Dec 4, 2015: dB hot Dec 6, 2015: dB hot

6 Absolute Reflectivity Calibration
Comparison to GPM DPR using Validation Network (VN) architecture* Cf. Schwaller and Morris, 2011

7 Absolute Reflectivity Calibration
Reflectivity difference (2DVD - NPOL) from all OLYMPEX events combined show NPOL reflectivity is approximately 0.8 dB higher than 2DVD (SN35, SN36, SN38). NPOL data are above terrain blockage and below the melting level. 2DVD data are from rain events without melting level or ice contamination.

8 Absolute Reflectivity Calibration Comparisons to 2DVD
ZH - NPOL vs 2DVD Bias (dB) Abs.Bias (dB) Sample Size OLYMPEx 1.13 4.34 2173 ZH - NPOL vs 2DVD Bias (dB) Abs.Bias (dB) Sample Size sn35 1.03 3.64 732 sn36 0.81 4.38 677 sn38 1.50 4.98 764

9 NPOL Quality Control Dual-pol QC as described by Pippitt et al. (2015)
Modified for Olympex to handle mountain and sea clutter

10 Data Access and Status Current version of data sent to
Total Data Volumes Raw: 218 GB (16-bit data uncompressed) Processed UF: 90 GB (compressed) Browse products: 20 GB We retrieve three separate rain rate product: DROPS2 (RR), PolZR (RP) and Cifelli (RC); however, due to an issue with DROPS2, RHI scans are being reprocessed to obtain better rain rates

11 Case Studies 39 GPM overpass cases 21 with widespread stratiform
4 with post-frontal convection 14 with scattered showers 17 Nov 2015 Narrow Cold Frontal Rainband (NCFR)

12 Backup Slides

13 D3R Specifications Scanning strategy
Olympex_survey (PPI: 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 deg elevation; azimuth limits were 220 to 130 deg -- clockwise) Olympex_rhi_A (36 azimuths from deg; 3 deg separation ) Olympex_birdbath: 2 revolutions Olympex_rhi_B, (16 azimuths from deg; 2 deg separation ) 21 minutes to finish a full scan cycle.

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