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ILO Flagship Programmes

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1 ILO Flagship Programmes 2016 - 21
March 2017

2 Anticipated advantages:
“large programmes offer economies of scale and greater potential for sustained impact. Large TC programme approaches reduce the risk of inconsistent, ad-hoc national interventions, enabling the ILO to adapt to national conditions based on international good practice experience.” Anticipated advantages: critical mass of technical competence at the ILO and in partner countries; sustainable and transformational capacity development through strategic and integrated capacity-building interventions; impact at a much larger scale, with greater potential for sustainability, rather than scattered results; build capacity to deliver efficiently through economies of scale and offer better control of quality, time and costs. they are capable of building up a critical mass of technical competence at the ILO and in partner countries; they are better able to contribute to sustainable and transformational capacity development through strategic and integrated capacity-building interventions; they can produce impact at a much larger scale, with greater potential for sustainability, rather than scattered results; they can build capacity to deliver efficiently through economies of scale and offer better control of quality, time and costs.

3 The Big Five Better Work (8 countries)
A revised International Programme on the Elimination of Child and Forced Labour (IPEC+) (33 countries) Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Global Action for Prevention (11 countries) Jobs for Peace and Resilience ( upon request) the Social Protection Floor (21 countries)

4 Design process

5 Design – common features
Following ILO Programme design cycle methodology Strong focus on Impact assessment methodology (with EVAL) Communication strategy (with DCOMM) Resource mobilization strategy (with PARDEV) Governance (with DDGP) (GB decision point) Systemic approach (Technical Department)

6 Integrated approach and alignments
Integrated approaches – cross fertilization between the programmes – inspiration – innovation. Full alignment with the P&B ( & ) Full alignment with the 2030 Agenda


8 Process DG Decision on the Five and Concept notes developed. (Jan – June 2015) GB endorsement (Nov 2015) HQ coordination meetings convened by DDGP in close collaboration with PARDEV (since Nov 2015) Outreach to Regions and Country Offices (FP teams responsible in collaboration with FOP and PARDEV) Capacity building of field specialists (FP teams responsible in collaboration with relevant GTTs) Consultations with ACTRAV, ACTEMP and Turin. (FP teams in coordination with DDGP and PARDEV) DC Appraisal process through PARDEV

9 Common deliverables Market place presentation to RBSA donors (PARDEV)
ILO Web - Common landing page with links to individual FP websites (DCOMM) Inside interview with Sandra Polaski (DCOMM) Common ILC Stand 2016 (DCOMM) One TOR for Global Tripartite Advisory Committees and national tripartite advisory committees. (Request from GB Nov 2015)

10 Current focus of the coordination team
How can flagship programmes maximize their efficiency (focussing on process) and effectiveness (focussing on results) factors while complying with the guidance of document GB.325/POL/7? To what extent is it possible to merge functions of flagship programmes? What are the ways good practices of some flagship programmes can be reproduced in other programmes? Can the ILO put into practice one approach for the flagship programmes to engage with target countries and donors?

11 Questions ? DDGP Coordination team: Tine Staermose Rasika Somaweera

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