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Communication 101 Presenter’s Name(s).

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Presentation on theme: "Communication 101 Presenter’s Name(s)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication 101 Presenter’s Name(s)

2 Getting the Word Out "Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader can't get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesn't even matter." -Gilbert Amelio President and CEO of National Semiconductor Corp. CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

3 Importance of Social Media

4 Facebook Three methods of targeting: Groups
Pros: Select members, get notifications Cons: Can become overused, spam, requires good admins Pages Pros: Target audiences, view who sees what, control your feed, limit your notifications, multiple admins Cons: Often posts do not show up in newsfeeds Events Pros: Everyone can see, gets notifications, personalize Cons: New events need to be created frequently CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

5 Newsletters Great way to have an in-print version
Easy to send out via Can target wide audiences by either mail or Best for targeting parents and advisors Some great free resources include Canva, Adobe (trial), and Venngage CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

6 Twitter Targets a different, younger audience Used for quick posting
Feed not based on popularity Can follow and connect with the areas, councils, and Venturing Crews in your region CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

7 Instagram Utilizes photography Caption photos to explain
Favorite, hashtag, and share posts Can follow and connect with other Venturing Crews, councils, areas, and regions. CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

8 Blogs and Websites Easy to share long posts
Post photos, videos, testimonials, and more Share stories and adventures to get people interested Serve as the central point for communication Post links to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Post relevant articles and resources CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

9 Google Drive Google Drive is a way to organize and share documents
Documents can be shared among large groups of individuals Google Docs allow participants to follow along in real time Great for: Minutes during conference calls Collaborating on group projects Creating PowerPoints Commenting on already created projects (i.e. president reviewing and commenting on a VP’s goals) CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

10 Google Drive CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

11 Conference Calls Helpful for councils with large geographical area, areas, and regions Makes for no travel time Easy for people to join/leave according to their schedule Tools to make your call easier Doodle Polls Google Drive Dropbox Make sure to discuss call etiquette CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016


13 Lists Used to send out s across the board to participants and advisors Can be made quickly and simply Vertical Response or Mail Chimp Other groups like yahoo groups can be helpful Creating groups within your can make ing significantly easier as well CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

14 Peer to Peer Packets Tools to make your call easier
Online at The packets are 100% free include posters, fast facts, and a few brochures Can be customized to fit individual VOAs and Venturing Crews Online Order Form Can add a registration form CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

15 Marketing Your VOA Participate in District and Council events (outside of Venturing) Consider running events (camporee, etc) Participate in community events Parades Clean-up days Patriotic events (Veterans Day/Memorial Day) Wear Venturing uniforms Remember, you represent Venturing when in uniform! Be ambassadors for this program CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

16 A Special Note Regarding Rosters
Crucial to keep your VOA roster up-to-date All Crew Presidents sit on the Council VOA Continually update roster to maintain accurate results Crew terms do not always align with national terms CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

17 So, what is the best method to reach Venturers?

18 All of Them! Utilize all resources!
No one tool will reach all Venturers Make sure your word is getting out by your best means Talk to local Venturers and get feedback on your efforts Survey volunteers and youth alike (qualtrics or survey monkey) Mold your communication to fit council needs - remember that every area will be different CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

19 Further Information <insert additional resources> CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016

20 Questions? Presenter’s Name(s)
Contact Information

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