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Crusader’s Team: Mrs. Crawford Mrs. Mathes Mrs. Smith Mr. Timerson

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Presentation on theme: "Crusader’s Team: Mrs. Crawford Mrs. Mathes Mrs. Smith Mr. Timerson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crusader’s Team: Mrs. Crawford Mrs. Mathes Mrs. Smith Mr. Timerson
Welcome to 6th Grade! Crusader’s Team: Mrs. Crawford Mrs. Mathes Mrs. Smith Mr. Timerson

2 Daily Schedule Homeroom 9:00-9:08 1st Period (2A) 9:12-9:58 Encore
2nd Period (3A) 10:02-10:48 Encore 3rd Period (4A) 10:53-11:52 4th Period (5A)/Lunch (6A) 11:54-1:25 Crusader’s Lunch Time - 11:55-12:19 Mav Time (Powerblock 7A) 1:28-2:00 5th Period (8A) 2:02-3:00 6th Period (9A) 3:02-4:00

3 Important Items to Discuss Today
During Homeroom Attendance Parent Folders and handouts Locker Assignments During Class Today: Welcome! Handbook Procedures & Lunch

4 Locker Breaks Take out the BLUE piece of paper with your folder.
Glue this to the inside cover of your agenda. Let’s talk about locker breaks and what to bring to your classes.

5 About Mrs. Crawford From Albemarle, NC Graduated from UNC-Charlotte
Enjoys crafting, painting, and designing Love the outdoors!! Hunting, fishing, canoeing… anything outside!

6 Agendas Your agenda is VERY important and you should take VERY good care of it. (You only get one!) Take a moment right now to write your first AND last name on the first page. Also, write my name in the space provided for your Homeroom Teacher-Mrs. Crawford You can also write your Student ID Number (for lunch/library), your locker #, and your combination. Every day when you arrive to class, you need to take out your agenda and write down the homework you see on the board. If there is no homework you must write “None” Let’s take a moment to look at our agendas.

7 LUNCH PROCEDURES Go to the bathroom on our hall or in front of the cafeteria and wash up. Walk SILENTLY to the lunchroom door . Enter the lunchroom as a class and enter only one line, so make sure you know your food choice! Seating assignments-follow teacher’s direction We will sit as a class at assigned tables. Bring ID #s if you are buying your lunch. Clean up – Need two people to get carts and collect trays, clean up area by sweeping and cleaning tables Exiting – You will be dismissed by tables and are to line up in the Band Hallway (Level 0). We will dismiss you to go outside for the walk.

8 Rules for Crusader’s Classes!
Come to class on time and prepared. Follow directions and classroom procedures. Get permission to leave your seat. Respect all people and things.

9 Discipline Process Classroom Consequences: 1st Verbal Warning – Behavior Slip box #1 2nd Parent Contact – Behavior Slip box #2 3rd Referral for Detention – Behavior Slip box #3 ***If your behavior is highly disruptive, disrespectful, or dangerous, you will be removed from the classroom immediately.***

10 Referrals Detention Responsibility Room Administrator Intervention
After a 3rd disciplinary issue, the student will be required to serve Before-School Detention with Mrs. Hill. Responsibility Room If the student is being highly disruptive, disrespectful or dangerous, he/she will be sent to RR with Mrs. Hill. Administrator Intervention **The student will be sent immediately to an administrator: Mrs. Snyder, Mr. Shapcott, or Dr. Vague.

11 Procedures for Entering the Classroom
Line up outside the door and remain totally silent. Once everyone is quiet, then you will be allowed to enter the room. NEVER enter the classroom unless Mrs. Crawford is in the room OR unless you’ve been given permission by a teacher. Take your agenda out of your binder and write down any homework that is on the board – which will be every day.  If you have homework to turn in, place it in the homework tray (look for your class period) immediately. Leave the agenda open for Mrs. Crawford. Begin warm-up on the board and do not talk.

12 Procedures for End of Period Class Dismissal
Be sure you have written down homework at the end of the period. When the teacher says that it’s okay, students will be dismissed by groups, starting with the group closest to the door. You are NOT to pack up until Mrs. Crawford says to do so – especially if we are finishing up with class when the bell rings.

13 Procedures for Listening to and Responding to Questions
While the teacher or another student has the floor, then everyone else in the room will be listening quietly to the speaker. If you have a response to a question that was asked, then you will raise your hand and wait quietly to be called on. Do not call out answers or shout out during class without permission – it’s rude!

14 Procedures for Students Who Need to Leave Seat
Bathroom Only if it’s an emergency are you allowed to use the restroom during class. There are many breaks throughout the day where you’ll have the opportunity… Use them! You must ask to be excused to the restroom, though, and the teacher will decide. Tissue If you need a tissue, please get up and quietly go to the back of the room to get one. You may step out into the hall to blow your nose if necessary so that it doesn’t disturb others. Trash Unless it’s on fire, it can wait to be thrown away when class is over.

15 Procedures for Make-Up Work
Located near my desk is a binder. All extra copies are placed in the binder. If you are absent, you need to check the binder for any papers and ask Mrs. Crawford about any notes that we took. Upon return to school, it is YOUR responsibility to get your make-up work – no one else’s! If you have questions about what you missed, please ask your classmates, and if you still have questions, then come see me.

16 Procedures for Turning in Assignments
Assignments and homework (other than Thinkmarks) will be turned in to the homework tray by the door. Simply find your class period’s tray and place your paper there. BE SURE YOU NAMED YOUR PAPER!

17 Procedures for Handing Back Graded Papers
I will hand back papers during either the first 5 minutes or last 5 minutes of class. Put your graded paper in your binder. It is best to have a separate folder for graded work.

18 Procedures for Heading of Papers
All papers that you turn in should have the same heading, which is located in the upper right corners of your papers. Any paper handed in without a name automatically loses 10 points and will receive no sympathy! Name Date Period

19 Procedures for Finishing Work Early
If you finish your work early, then you are to take out your Independent Reading Book (IRB) and sit quietly, reading it until you are given other instructions. I will provide extra activities for you to choose to work on if you finish early.

20 Mrs. Crawford’s Library
You have the opportunity to check-out books from my library on a daily basis. You will receive a Classroom Library Card and will use it to check-out books if you choose to do so. You must keep up with your library card all year.

21 Student Handbook Turn to page 12 of your student handbook located in the front of your agenda. Follow along as we read through some important information and HIGHLIGHT what Mrs. Crawford instructs you mark.

22 Media and Technology

23 Medication

24 Phone Use by Students

25 Promotion Guidelines

26 b Pictures

27 Physical Education P.E.

28 Safety Drills

29 School Nurse

30 School Resource Officer

31 School Supplies

32 Spirit Rocks

33 Student Council

34 Student I.D. Cards

35 Student Fees

36 Student Planner/Agenda

37 Tardies


39 Voice Levels

40 Weapons


42 Questions?

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