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Leadership of people living with disabilities or health conditions

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership of people living with disabilities or health conditions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership of people living with disabilities or health conditions
Disabled People Leading Change

2 Disabled People Leading Change
About DR UK We are disabled people leading change Working for equal participation for all 3 priorities: Independent living – getting a life Career opportunities – getting skills, education and work Influencing public attitudes and behaviours Disabled People Leading Change

3 Disabled People Leading Change
Our work histories ‘Chronic patients at work in the industrial therapy unit engaged in simple routine tasks’ (Stanley Royd Pauper Lunatic Asylum) Blind piano tuner Bill Metcalf tunes a school piano, 1973 Disabled People Leading Change

4 Disabled People Leading Change
And in 2016? 48% of disabled people are in work And earn on average 90p per hour less than non-disabled people Some people choose not to be open about their health condition or impairment, out of fear… Of stereotypes: being viewed as less competent, less reliable, not ‘up to’ promotion, or just not likely to ‘fit in’ with colleagues or customers Disabled People Leading Change

5 New generation of leaders
Leadership development run by and for people living with health conditions or disability brings outcomes Leadership by the many not the few From chairing meetings to becoming local Mayor 94% rated programme as excellent Growing pool of diverse role models ‘It made an incredible contribution to my development as a Deaf BME role model….the confidence to lead within my community to a better and more fairly treated society. I look forward to what my future holds.’

6 Disabled People Leading Change
Breaking with history NHS CEO decides to be open about mental health challenges Blind people on Board of Channel 4, in House of Lords etc. Disabled People Leading Change

7 Research into senior jobs
Virtually no existing evidence First national survey, supported by Lloyds Banking Group 1461 responses, disabled and non-disabled Identified a pool: 110 earned >80K. 102 Board level Directors Significant impairments from quadriplegia to bi-polar disorder ‘I have brittle bone disease which has resulted in 40 fractures of my arms and legs’ ‘I have suffered from MS for 19 years’

8 Duration of disability

9 Enabling factors 2 significant factors: mentoring and career-long senior support ‘Good managers and good people who have given me confidence to achieve’ Looking beyond labels

10 Unequal experiences Disabled people less likely to get mentoring and senior support than non-disabled people Non-disabled people twice as likely to be Board level Directors, 3 times as likely to be other Directors/ Heads of Department People with mental health conditions 4 times more likely to be open to no one than other disabled people People less likely to be open in private sector. Less likely to be open to those with power

11 Disabled People Leading Change
Benefits People living with health conditions or disability often bring high level problem-solving, resilience, empathy and creativity – all in high demand in leadership roles “The challenges posed by my disability mean colleagues see me as adaptable and resourceful.” "Most people with disabilities have extra coping skills... Sell those. It sets you apart from the herd.“ When staff with lived experience can be open it improves culture, productivity, well-being – and turns employment settings from (sometimes) sites of discrimination to champions of full participation Disabled People Leading Change

12 Disabled People Leading Change
The creation of LAP Disabled People Leading Change

13 Disabled People Leading Change
Leadership Programme Covering your leadership style, drawing on your experience of disability as a unique advantage; skills in influencing; project work; access to a mentor and peer support 80% of participants met their career goals eg promotions and leading new projects “Since completing LAP, I have successfully secured a new job in Internal Audit.  By completing the programme, I learnt how to embrace my disabilities rather than using them as an excuse and have found a new level of self- confidence” (Delegate) Disabled People Leading Change

14 A few tips Individuals: raise expectations, learn about adjustments for your career, propose solutions, take control of situations, network, role model Disability organisations: promote aspiration, enable peer support Employer managers and leaders: model open conversation and culture, support leaders with lived experience, ensure mentoring and coaching are on offer, ensure slick processes for adjustments

15 Tips HR profession: build disability and health competence into core training, be source of expertise on career development, coaching, shadowing Occupational health profession: no pre-job offer health checks, advise on support and adjustment reviews Recruitment agencies: model access standards, support employees and employers in diversity

16 Tips Government: commit to sustainable careers not just jobs, commit to the public sector being an exemplar, expect large employers to demonstrate good practice, use procurement as a lever. Show that government values diverse workforces at all levels (Government is consulting now on a Green Paper: closes February 17)

17 Disabled People Leading Change
As more people with lived experience work at all levels, so public and employee confidence builds – in both the workplace and services to customers. A virtuous circle Disabled People Leading Change

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