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7th Grade Miss Smith *pgs (22.3)

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1 7th Grade Miss Smith *pgs. 598-600 (22.3)
The United Nations 7th Grade Miss Smith *pgs (22.3)

2 The United Nations (The UN)
Organization that promotes peaceful coexistence and worldwide cooperation Countries: Pledge to save future generations from war Promise to live in peace as good neighbors Agree to work toward protecting basic human rights

3 Organization of the UN 193 permanent members
Headquarters is in New York City 6 main divisions: General Assembly Security Council International Court of Justice Economic and Social Council Trusteeship Council Secretariat

4 General Assembly UN body that discusses, debates, and recommends solutions to problems Each member country gets one vote Meets annually

5 Security Council UN body that is mainly responsible for peacekeeping
15 members, 5 permanent members (China, France, the UK, Russia, and the US) 10 temporary members serve 2 year terms Tries to work out a peaceful settlement between fighting countries Will recommend military force against aggressor countries

6 International Court of Justice
UN law court, also known as the World Court 15 judges from around the world Serve 9yr terms Makes decisions on boundary disputes and debt payments What does the International Court of Justice do? It decides matters such as boundary disputes and debt payments

7 Economic and Social Council
Dedicated to improving the lives of people around the world Conducts research on: Health Human rights Education Narcotics World population

8 Helps non-self-governing colonies Stopped operating in 1994
Trusteeship Council Helps non-self-governing colonies Stopped operating in 1994

9 Secretariat Manages the day-to-day activities of the UN
Secretary-General is the head of the Secretariat and chief administrator of the UN Serves a 5yr term Which branch of the UN do you think is most important? Why?

10 The UN in the Modern World
The United Nations provides a forum (or place) where the world’s countries can express their views about problems that threaten peace. What different views do some Americans have of the United Nations? Some believe that it is the worlds best hope for peace. Others believe that it costs the United States too much, may act against American interests, and is not effective enough Do you think the United Nations will be able to help maintain world peace in the future? Explain.

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