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HW: Read on Vietnam and fill out the Reading Help T-Chart.

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Presentation on theme: "HW: Read on Vietnam and fill out the Reading Help T-Chart."— Presentation transcript:

1 HW: Read 544-547 on Vietnam and fill out the Reading Help T-Chart.
Please do not talk at this time Oct 17 HW: Read on Vietnam and fill out the Reading Help T-Chart. Quiz on Chpt. 17.1, Korea, Vietnam and your map so far on Tuesday. I will collect 17.1 Cornell Notes, Your Korean War DBQ on Tuesday as well. Get a out your Printout of the Korean War Readings and and a Handout: DBQ Korean War: Textbook Comparison, Pg. 40A/B

2 Please set up Pg. 41A like this: Vietnam and the Cold War
What I read/ Questions I have/ what I learned Things I wondered When you read pgs use this T-Chart to help you process what you are learning.

3 We are going to do the last column now….
Get a out your Printout of the Korean War Readings and and a Handout: DBQ Korean War: Textbook Comparison, Pg. 40A/B We are going to do the last column now….

4 A few more details…. Chinese troops pushed the UN and SK troops out of the North. MacArthur called for a nuclear attack on China. Over the next two years, the UN forces fought the Ch. and NK troops. After three years, the UN and the NK signed a cease-fire agreement. 4 million soldiers and civilians died (54,000 US) Korea is still split at the 38th parallel, where it was in 1950. The DMZ is patrolled by NK and SK, UN (mostly US) troops.

5 Proud history of Communism, world super power to rival US, long history of conflict with the west
Pawn of the super powers, currently an economic powerhouse, modeled after US since the US helped them rebuild, had no control over what happened with the Korean War Capitalist, super power in the world, won WWII, involved in Korean war to stop USSR, almost nuked China Defeated and then rebuilt by the US after WWII, gave up their army in exchange for US protection, economic powerhouse to rival US and China Ethnically Chinese, capitalist refugees from Communist Revolution, wealth from trade and production.

6 Why do you think these text books say such different things
Why do you think these text books say such different things? How might that affect our global community?

7 Focus Questions: Based on multiple documents, what do you think happened in Korea between ?

8 Please get out your Cold War Map Notes and the binder paper that goes with it…

9 Examples of Proxy Wars and the Cold War
The USA and USSR never actually went to war with each other. Instead, They often fought each other by supporting the enemies of the other side. The superpowers sometimes clashed in the most bizarre ways, such as the World Chess Championships! Mostly they looked for unstable governments and tried to give enough support to make their favourite side win. The Vietnam War Civil War in Nicaragua Revolution in Afghanistan Cold War Lecture Notes: For each event record lecture notes on the Vietnam War, the Civil War in Nicaragua and the Revolution in Afghanistan. Underline each title in your notes.

10 Causes of the Vietnam War
Why Vietnam? What concept from the Cold War is this cartoon illustrating? Causes of the Vietnam War


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