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Pharmacokinetics of Vancomycin in Adult Oncology Patients

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1 Pharmacokinetics of Vancomycin in Adult Oncology Patients
Prepared by: Hadeel Al-Kofide Supervised By: Dr. Iman Zaghloul Dr. Lamya AlNaim

2 Do you remember what went between the clinical pharmacist & the intern ??

3 Cancer & Infection Gram positive infections, causes up to 70% of confirmed cancer infections Methicillin-resistance Staphylcoccus aureus (MRSA) account for up to 50% of S.aureus infection Vancomycin is the only antibiotic studied for the treatment of febrile neutropenia in cancer patients when MRSA is suspected Jackson A, Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 4th Edition, Infections in Patients With Cancer

4 What’s The Problem??!!

5 Volume of Distribution
Literature Review Studies have shown a sub-therapeutic levels of vancomycin in cancer patients Therefore, higher dosages have been proposed to ensure optimal drug concentrations Clearance Volume of Distribution Pea F et al, Clin Drug Invest. 2000; Buelga D et al, Antimicrob Agents Chemother Le Normand Y, Int J Biomed Comput. 1994

6 Vancomycin

7 Therapeutic Levels Vancomycin normal levels are: Peak=20 -40 mg/L
Trough=10-15 mg/L Cantú T et al, Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1990; Begg E et al, J Clin Pharmacol. 2001

8 Pharmacokinetics Oral bioavailability <5 %
Renal Elimination ≈ 85-90% Non-renal elimination ≈ 10-15% Cl = 0.65 x CrCl Cl, Clearance. CrCl, Creatinine Clearance Begg E et al, J Clin Pharmacol. 2001; Pea F et al, J Antimicrob Chemother. 2000; Aldaz A et al, Ther Drug Monit. 2000

9 Pharmacokinetics Vd = 0.7 L/TBW kg t ½ ≈ 6 hours
Protein binding ≈ 50 % Bound to albumin & α1 acid glycoprotein Vd, Volume of Distribution. TBW, Total Body Weight. t1/2, Half-Life Begg E et al, J Clin Pharmacol. 2001; Pea F et al, J Antimicrob Chemother. 2000

10 Going back to cancer patients

11 Literature Review Population PK *
Patients with hematological malignancies ** Patients with different types of cancer *** Cl 0.65 x CrCl 1.08 x CrCl 1.12 x CrCl Vd 0.7 L/kg 0.98 L/kg t1/2 6 hr 3 hr * Begg E et al, J Clin Pharmacol. 2001; ** Bulge D et al, Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005 *** Le Normand Y, Int J Biomed Comput. 1994

12 Why vancomycin ?!

13 Because its Vancomycin!
Vancomycin is an integral part of the management of febrile neutropenia in cancer patients for several reasons: Emergence of MRSA Absence of an alternative in these patients MRSA, Methicillin-resistance Staphylcoccus aureus

14 Objectives

15 Objectives Assess the pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in adult oncology patients in order to: Evaluate the effects of several clinical factors on the disposition kinetics of vancomycin Find potential predictive factors for dosage individualization

16 Objectives Assess the pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in adult patients (without cancer) in order to: Compare them to cancer patients Obtain vancomycin pharmacokinetic parameters in Saudi population

17 Methodology

18 Methodology A retrospective observational study
Adult (≥15 year-old) inpatients admitted to King Khalid University Hospital from on vancomycin for suspected or documented gram-positive bacteria were chosen for analysis Two groups of patients were assigned for eligibility

19 Methodology

20 Methodology Patients were excluded based on two criteria:
1) The lack of necessary data concerning the patients’ demographic, clinical status, and vancomycin blood levels 2) Any patient with either acute or chronic renal failure

21 Methodology Measurement of the peak & trough levels were conducted after the third dose of the initial dosing regimen Vancomycin pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated

22 Results

23 Number of Patients Groups Study Control Cancer 18 patients Non-Cancer

24 Demographic Data Characteristics Study Group Control Group P-value
Age, mean (SD) 43.4 (22.1) 48.5 (20.2) 0.526 Height cm, mean (SD) 161.1 (11.7) 164.9 (10.1) 0.349 TBW kg, mean (SD) 66.8 (17.1) 68.9 (14) 0.714 IBW kg, mean (SD) 55.9 (12.5) 58.4 (10.6) 0.56 BSA, mean (SD) 1.7 (0.25) 1.7 (0.19) 0.5 SD, Standard Deviation. TBW, Total Body Weight. IBW, Ideal Body Weight. BSA, Body Surface Area.

25 Type of Cancer Cancer group

26 Chemotherapy Cancer group

27 Clinical Data Characteristics Study Group Control Group P-value
Albumin g/L, mean (SD) 26.1 (6.0) 29.5 (6.7) 0.155 Total Protein g/L, mean (SD) 62.4 (6.2) 66.1 (9.5) 0.206 Serum Creatinine umol/L, mean (SD) 64.2 (21.4) 83.1 (35.2) 0.073 Creatinine Clearance ml/min, mean (SD) 105.5 (62.2) 87.2 (27.5) 0.331 SD, Standard Deviation.

28 Vancomycin Regimen Characteristics Study Group Control Group
Dose mg, mean (SD) 986.1 (159.8) 1000 (353.6) Frequency hr, mean (SD) 13.3 (3.9) 11.5 (1.7) Peak mg/L, mean (SD) 19.1 (6.3) 27.2 (10.9) Trough mg/L, mean (SD) 7.1 (5.5) 8.5 (4.5) SD, Standard Deviation.

29 Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics
K Elimination hrˉ¹ Group Mean SD Cancer 0.14 0.1 Non- Cancer 3.9 95% CI t P-value -6.3E E-2 0.068 0.947 Lower Upper SD, Standard Deviation. CI, Confidence Interval.

30 Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics
Half-Life hr Group Mean SD Cancer 8.6 7.1 Non- Cancer 5.4 1.9 95% CI t P-value 1.7 0.111 Lower Upper SD, Standard Deviation. CI, Confidence Interval.

31 Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics
Volume of Distribution L Group Mean SD Cancer 70 45 Non- Cancer 31.1 8.3 95% CI t P-value 3.5 0.002 Lower Upper SD, Standard Deviation. CI, Confidence Interval.

32 Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics
Clearance ml/min Group Mean SD Cancer 110.1 42 Non- Cancer 71.2 22.4 95% CI t P-value 3.05 0.005 Lower Upper SD, Standard Deviation. CI, Confidence Interval.

33 Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics
Clearance/Creatinine Clearance Group Mean SD Cancer 1.15 0.47 Non- Cancer 0.86 0.26 95% CI t P-value -3.3E 2.02 0.052 Lower Upper SD, Standard Deviation. CI, Confidence Interval.

34 Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics
Literature Vancomycin PK Vd = 0.7 * TBW Cl = 0.65 * CrCl Vd/TBW = 0.7 Cl/CrCl = 0.65 PK, Pharmacokinetics. Vd, Volume of Distribution. TBW, Total Body Weight. Cl, Clearance. CrCl, Creatinine Clearance.

35 Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics
Literature PK vs. Cancer Patients PK Parameter Mean SD 95% CI t P-value Cl/CrCl 1.15 0.47 4.57 0.000 Lower Upper PK, Pharmacokinetics. Cl, Clearance. CrCl, Creatinine Clearance. SD, Standard Deviation. CI, Confidence Interval.

36 Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics
Literature PK vs. Cancer Patients PK Parameter Mean SD 95% CI t P-value Vd/TBW 1.1 0.8 -1.8E 2 0.061 Lower Upper PK, Pharmacokinetics. Vd, Volume of Distribution. TBW, Total Body Weight. SD, Standard Deviation. CI, Confidence Interval.

37 Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics
Cl, Clearance. CrCl, Creatinine Clearance. Vd, Volume of Distribution. TBW, Total Body Weight.

38 Vancomycin Cl vs. CrCl Linear regression analysis Cancer patients
Non-Cancer patients Cl, Clearance. CrCl, Creatinine Clearance.

39 Correlation Correlation between vancomycin disposition and clinical and demographic data was done on cancer patients No significant correlation was observed with any clinical data except for vancomycin clearance and creatinine clearance

40 Vancomycin Cl & CrCl Vancomycin CrCl Clearance ml/min ml/min P-value
0.010 * * Using Pearson Correlation Cl, Clearance. CrCl, Creatinine Clearance.

41 Discussion Despite the frequent administration of vancomycin in oncology patients, standard dosage regimens continue to be used, although they may often be suboptimal owing to the greater Cl & Vd found in this target population Cl, Clearance. Vd, Volume of Distribution.

42 Discussion There was about 80% increase in vancomycin clearance in patients with cancer compared to literature on general population When comparing with our control there was a 50% increase in vancomycin clearance Vancomycin clearance in the control Saudi group was increased by 32% when compared to published literature

43 Discussion Population PK * Patients with hematological malignancies **
Patients with different types of cancer *** Cancer Group 0.65 x CrCl 1.08 x CrCl 1.12 x CrCl Vd 0.7 L/kg 0.98 L/kg 1.1 L/kg Cl * Begg E et al, J Clin Pharmacol. 2001; ** Bulge D et al, Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005 *** Le Normand Y, Int J Biomed Comput. 1994

44 Discussion Cl, Clearance. CrCl, Creatinine Clearance. Vd, Volume of Distribution. TBW, Total Body Weight.

45 Discussion When the vancomycin dose was calculated for cancer patients based on their PK parameters it was double the regular dose (about 60 mg/kg/day)

46 Discussion Critical characteristics of patients with cancer such as diagnosis, and the existence of neutropenia among other clinical parameters analyzed, had no significant correlation with or effect on vancomycin disposition Except for creatinine clearance which would be expected in a drug eliminated mainly through renal excretion

47 Discussion The absence of correlation for high creatinine clearance values may be explained by the fact that glomerular filtration is not the only mechanism for vancomycin clearance. Tubular secretion is a possible mechanism for vancomycin renal elimination The measurement of tubular secretion is not possible for now

48 Limitations Inability to find cancer patients on vancomycin through the study period made it difficult to conduct a prospective study Poor documentation in patient files Small sample size specially in control group which may not represent the Saudi population truly

49 Limitations Limited sample acquisition in the clinical setting permitted only one-compartment model for PK analysis, although it is well accepted that vancomycin PK characteristics are more realistically described by a two-compartment model

50 Thank you for your listening

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