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How are plant and animal cells different?

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Presentation on theme: "How are plant and animal cells different?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How are plant and animal cells different?

2 Objectives Compare the parts of plant cells and animal cells
Know the function of some important part inside the cell.

3 What is a cell? The cell as the basic unit of life
smallest unit of living organisms that is capable of performing life functions. Cells can only be observed under microscope All living things, including plants and animals, are made up of cells. The cell as the basic unit of life Cells are the basic units of organisms All cells come from preexisting cells through cell division. Unicellular organisms are made of one cell only The cells of multicellular organisms are specialized to perform different functions e.g. mesophyll cells for photosynthesis and root hair cells for water absorption There are many different kinds of cells, doing many different jobs in a plant or animal.

4 Are plant & animal cells the same or different?
Most living things can be divided into two. Do you know what they are? To answer this question, look at these two pictures. Left is a picture of a plant cell and right is of an animal cell.

5 Simple Animal Cells Simple Plant Cells cell membrane Cell wall
mitochondrion nucleus cytoplasm Copyright © 2013, Mr. Hasan Al-Dika. All rights reserved vacuole chloroplast

6 Only in plant A. Chloroplast B. Cell wall Strong and rigid
Plant cell’s food factory Contain chlorophyll B. Cell wall Thick, stiff structure Protects and supports the plant cell Strong and rigid To trap light energy, to make food the green pigment

7 Common parts and job 1. Cytoplasm
jellylike substance that fills the cell, mostly water , but contains many important chemicals enclosed by cell membran Contains organelles and granules : e.g. chloroplast e.g. mitochondrion Provide a medium for chemical reactions to take place

8 Common parts and job 2. Cell membrane thin outer covering.
An animal cell’s thin outer covering. In Plants it is found inside the cell wall.

9 Common parts and job 3. Mitochondrion The power plant of the cell
food is burned here to Give the cell energy. ( mitochondria

10 Common parts and job 4. Vacuole
holding bin for food, water and wastes. Plant: large central vacuole Animal: more and small

11 Common parts and job 5. Nucleus Controls cell activities
Contains chromosomes Chromosomes: the threadlike structure that control an organism's traits.

12 Similarities between plant cells & animal cells
Both have a cell membrane surrounding the cytoplasm Both have a nucleus Both contain mitochondria

13 Differences between plant cells and animal cells
Relatively smaller in size Relatively larger in size Round shape Box-like shape No cell wall Cell wall present Vacuole small Large vacuole Glycogen granules as food store Nucleus at the centre Starch granules as food store Nucleus near cell wall

14 More complicated! In reality, most cells are much more complicated than this!

15 Mitochondrion and nucleus
Feature Animal cell Plant cell Cell wall Chloroplast Mitochondrion and nucleus Vacuole Cell membrane Shape Stores glycogen granules and oil droplets in the cytoplasm

16 Now, let’s review… Cell Membrane Cell Wall Chloroplasts Chromosomes Nucleus Mitochondria Cytoplasm Vacuoles Plant/Animal Cells

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