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Four leadership frames f

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2 Four leadership frames f
Structural Symbolic Human resource Political Four leadership frames f

3 “factories built on rationality and results”
Structural Structural frames “factories built on rationality and results”

4 Organisations as families concerned with satisfying individual needs
Human resource

5 Symbolic Symbolic frames – symbols represent and express unified direction, faith and hope

6 Effective leader has to engage in “pushing & tugging”.
Familiarity with strategies and tactics of power and conflict Political

7 Structural Human resource
All 4 frames are important yet analysis shows that these two dominate. Political and Symbolic are rarely seen Leadership is essentially political and inherently symbolic Structural Symbolic Political Human resource

8 Political Leadership A successful leader needs to be familiar with the strategies and tactics of power and conflict because these will always be present when you are dealing with groups of people Key Principles (Pfeffer 1992, Bolman & Deal 2003) Identify how the “land lies” Know your power sources Have a clear agenda Time it right Information is key Exploit the structure Know and befriend the opposition Give them a voice Compromise is not a weakness

9 Key Principles (Pfeffer 1992, Bolman & Deal 2003)
My own experience - 6 month secondment Identify how the “land lies” 1-2-1 with all department Review of all departmental documentation Know your power sources Backing of Principal, CEO Routines, guidance, support Successful department Have a clear agenda GCSE, reform KS3 curriculum Time it right Plan, Prioritise according to calendar, Adapt Information is key Review with 3 HODs, involved their team members Exploit the structure KS3, KS4, Literature, A level – install leaders Know and befriend the opposition NQTs, 2 i/c, brought marginalised back in Thanks and praise Give them a voice Meetings Compromise is not a weakness Listened to concerns Wrote plan with department Adapted as necessary Shared workload with department


11 Poetic Leadership Symbols important for what we express and represent
They give life meaning Provide a unified direction, faith and hope A cohesive culture has a positive effect on how well an organisation performs Inattention to and neglect of symbols has its costs

12 Poetic Leadership Revisit and renew roots
Reminders of value of their work Recognise heroes Recognise loyalty Encourage rituals Celebrate key events Use metaphors! Tell stories

13 Conclusion All 4 frames are important
Without politics and poetry there is a lack of sustainability as there will either be a lack of depth and belief in the response or the aim will be hampered by warring voices Need to provide methods to develop the political and poetic aspects of our leadership styles Challenge is how to ensure that we cover all 4 frames and that we train others to do so Risky ? Without risk ultimately we fail Structural Symbolic Human resource Political

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