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El Subjuntivo con esperanzas y deseos

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1 El Subjuntivo con esperanzas y deseos
Exprésate 3: Cap.2.5 El Subjuntivo con esperanzas y deseos

2 La “W” de UWEIRDO The SUBJUNCTIVE is also used after “QUE” when the verb before que expresses a WISH or HOPE for someone or something else. I hope that I get a good grade. My parents want that I clean my room. My mom insists that we do our chores.

3 Verbs that express WISHES/WANTS
Esperar que Querer que Desear que Preferir que Necesitar que Insistir en que Pedir que Decir que = to HOPE that = to WANT that = to WANT/WISH that = to PREFER that = to NEED that (someone do something) = to INSIST that = to REQUEST/ASK that = to TELL/SAY that (tell someone to do something)

4 Regla If one of those verbs is used before QUE, the subjunctive must be used after que because it expresses wish. Usually, there are 2 DIFFERENT subjects in the sentence: 1 before que and a different subject after que. If there is no que, there can’t be a subject change and the infinitive is used. Quiero VISITAR Italia. VS. Quiero que VISITEMOS Italia.

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