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Solar Skyways at Fresno State Lyles College of Engineering

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Skyways at Fresno State Lyles College of Engineering"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Skyways at Fresno State Lyles College of Engineering
Ron Swenson Pete Christensen INIST Bengt Gusfafsson Beamways January 20, 2014

2 If climate change doesn’t get us…

3 If climate change doesn’t get us…

4 If climate change doesn’t get us…

5 … peak oil will

6 We have gridLock now & we will see gas lines in the future

7 What can be done?

8 1992+ Tonatiuh, Coche Solar de Carreras

9 1992+ Tonatiuh, Coche Solar de Carreras

10 In Silicon Valley, a dollar can get you 10!

11 We must raise the bar to succeed
10 X

12 How can we deliver this performance?

13 San José introduced solar in their first Automated Transit Network RFP
Ensure that the ATN system is built … utilizing renewable energy … maximize energy efficiency and potentially be powered in whole or part by renewable energy. … and calculating carbon emissions reductions achievable through renewable energy evaluate cost/benefits of using renewable energy to offset all or a portion of the energy requirements Provide analysis of cost/savings and recommend specifications to execute energy-efficiency and renewable energy strategies…

14 How can we deliver on the solar skyways challenge?
2m 3m Solar Race Car averages 90 km/hr with 6 m2 solar panel Knowing it can be done, let’s ramp onto the Solar Highway … 17 X 2 seconds 90 km/hr = 50 m … Podcars have 50 m ÷ 3 m = 17 X more collection area than solar race cars!

15 What can we do in Fresno?

16 Much has already been done here

17 Much has already been done here

18 There is a unique and challenging approach
1. Technology: Engaging Universities with focus: High capacity electronics Suspended system 2. Government: Engaging Cities Encitra Modeling with UP students join ATNA 3. Economics: Engaging Industry first as mentors to students then as vendors building ATN then as buyers of ATN services

19 San José State has accepted the challenge

20 Solar Skyways: More Info
“Lvcem Accipe Vt Reddas" "Receive the light that you may give it forth"

21 Wake Up!!! … to the Power of Solar

22 Thank you!

23 … as will the loss of key materials

24 J Y “Dave” Wang told me There are two kinds of businessman:
Good businessman Selling Bad businessman Buying 1975

25 USA is a bad Trading “Partner”
imports exports Gap Mexico 74% Canada 57% Japan 47% China 37% Saudi Arabia 14% CIA Factbook 2004

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