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Hydrolysis  dissociation with water  reaction with water

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1 Hydrolysis  dissociation with water  reaction with water
Hydrolysis can be defined as the reaction of a chemical subtance with water. Acid + water  ionize / dissociated into ions Base + water  ionize / dissociated into ions Salts + water  ionize (do not hydrolyzed)  ionize & hydrolyzed By Far QimIya

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10 Salts do not hydrolyzed  salts from a strong acid and strong base
 The ions of salts which come from a strong acid and strong base do not react to water.  pH the solution of the salts theoretically is equal to seven (pH = 7) NaCl  Na+ + Cl- Na+ + H2O  do not react Cl- + H2O  do not react HCl  H Cl- a weak conjugate base A strong acid HCN  H CN- a strong conjugate base A weak acid By Far QimIya

11 2. Salts will be hydrolyzed partially
Salts from a weak acid and strong base  pH > 7 sallts from a strong acid and weak base  pH < 7 NaCN (aq)  Na+ + CN- Na+ + H2O  do not react CN- + H2O  HCN + OH-  Hydrolysis reaction from NaCN salt , produce OH- ion NH4Cl (aq)  NH Cl- NH H2O  NH4OH + H+  Hydrolysis reaction from NH4Cl salt , produce H+ ion Cl H2O  do not react By Far QimIya

12 3. Salts will be hydrolyzed completely
from a weak acid and a weak base  All ions of salts from a weak acid and a weak base can react with water to produce both H+ and OH- ions, so the property of the solution is determined by equilibrium constant of the weak acid and weak base produced. Ex: NH4CN (aq)  NH CN- NH H2O  NH4OH + H+ CN H2O  HCN + OH- NH4+ + CN- + H2O  NH4OH + HCN  Hydrolysis reaction from NH4CN salt By Far QimIya

13 NH4CN (aq)  NH4+ + CN- pH > 7  Ka < Kb pH = 7  Ka = Kb
By Far QimIya

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