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Video Pitch Script Add Audio.

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Presentation on theme: "Video Pitch Script Add Audio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Video Pitch Script Add Audio

2 Hello there, it’s __________ here
Hello there, it’s __________ here. In the next 14 days I am going to show you several life changing strategies for your business

3 Hello there, it’s __________ here
Hello there, it’s __________ here. In the next 14 days I am going to show you several life changing strategies for your business

4 Yes, TARGETED Leads to your Mailing List WITHOUT spending money on PPC or advertising directories…

5 Do you want to send targeted promotional offers to your MAILING List
Do you want to send targeted promotional offers to your MAILING List? NO PROBLEM!

6 In the next few days your mailing list will have 4000 brand new leads WITHOUT spending money on newspaper ads..and WITHOUT spending money on PPC

7 YOU Will be able to email your prospects DIRECTLY to their Gmail Email Address….ALL FOR FREE!!!

8 Does this sound too good to be TRUE? I bet it DOES!

9 Secondly, I want to show you EXACTLY how to create an info product THIS WEEK and start having AFFILIATES promote your PRODUCT today!

10 A product is a PERFECT way to build a HUGE MAILING List and Also get people TALKING about YOUR Business, whilst increasing your INCOME!

11 Oh and if you do not have a CLUE on how to create a product, don’t worry…I will COVER everything STEP-BY-STEP!

12 I will personally show you step-by-step on how to create an info product and start recruiting AFFILIATES from ANYWHERE in the WORLD, all helping you build your MAILING LIST and generating you INCOME

13 You can create your product on almost ANYTHING, from ANY PLACE, and ANY TIME – all from the comfort of your OFFICE!

14 Thirdly, I will Show You How To Host your Own ONLINE Webinar to people ANYWHERE In the WORLD…. INSTANTLY IN REAL TIME!!!

15 A webinar is the PERFECT pitching tool to sell your product to almost ANYONE in the WORLD, regardless of their LOCATION or TIME!

16 Want To Pitch A Product to someone in Miami? NO PROBLEM!

17 Want to PITCH to a LIVE audience in London. No Sweat
Want to PITCH to a LIVE audience in London? No Sweat! That is ALL Possible thanks to a MAILING List + A Webinar!

18 Mailing List + Product + Webinar = $$$$$$ How does $20,000 sound
Mailing List + Product + Webinar = $$$$$$ How does $20,000 sound? …in 24 HOURS…….!!!!

19 Yep – This is all POSSIBLE with my STEP-BY-STEP SECRET strategies…that no ONE IS talking about!

20 The first time I did this I generated $3413 in just 7 hours…
The first time I did this I generated $3413 in just 7 hours…. YES, really 7 Hours!!

21 And I only had a FEW Hundred people on my MAILING List….

22 So what are YOU Waiting For?? Do you Want The Same Success as Me?

23 So just to summarise…this is what you will be getting…

24 4000 Targeted LEADS to your MAILING List…

25 A Product Owner Of A BRAND New PRODUCT that YOU OWN…

26 A Brand New WEBINAR in which you can pitch your product to ANYONE, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME… YES – ANYTIME!!!!

27 What would 4000 BRAND NEW targeted leads mean to your Business?

28 No Advertising. No PPC. No SEO. No Newspaper Advertising

29 All you do is search for these people, add them to your list with just a click, and you can send anything to them directly to their Gmail Address….WITHOUT paying money for PPC Ads…

30 How would it feel if you TOOK MY Step-by-step high converting WEBINAR Secrets and applied it to your Business…and generate a nice INCOME…even in your SLEEP! Would your competitors get jealous?

31 Okay, here is what I have to say..

32 This Tuesday November 6th is the first online class of a 6 part workshop I am doing.

33 This Will Be A 100% LIVE Training Session With Also A LIVE Q And A..

34 However, if you can’t make the training…don’t worry…you will still have access to all the notes and materials to make this process run smoothly for you!

35 You will also get PRIORITY Access to my SUPPORT Email

36 If you want to take part in this workshop you must sign by November 6th But there are only 100 PLACES!!

37 The Cost?? How much would it cost you to add 4000 targeted leads to your MAILING LIST??

38 I AM Pretty sure you have paid THOUSANDS of Dollars and still have not had The RESULTS!

39 This is a ONE Time Payment Of Just $197!

40 All you need to do is sign up below…
All you need to do is sign up below…. I cannot guarantee that you will get a spot so please hit the Buy Now button below..

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