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Environmental Science

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Science
Chapter 1 section 1

2 Ecology Study of interactions between organisms and their environment
2 parts to the environment Biotic-all of the organisms that live together Abiotic- all physical factors that are non-living ex. Water, air, soil, temperature etc.

3 Biotic or Abiotic? Biotic




7 Recap Write the definition of ecology, biotic, and abiotic in your own words with a red pen

8 Organization in the Environment
Can be divided into different levels 1st level - organism –single living thing 2nd level – population – group of organisms of the same species living together in the same place and time 3rd level – community – all of the populations of different species that live and interact in an area 4th level - ecosystem – made up of a community of organisms and the abiotic environment 5th level – biosphere – part of the earth where life exists. Includes all ecosystems

9 Recap In red pen, summarize the levels of organization in a graphic organizer and illustrate it.

10 An Example... Organism Population Community Ecosystem Biosphere

11 Try This... (pg 5 in your text)

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