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Beer-Lambert law Gihan Gawish.Dr.

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1 Beer-Lambert law Gihan Gawish.Dr

2 Beer–Lambert law, also known as Beer's law or the Lambert–Beer law is an empirical relationship that relates the absorption of light to the properties of the material through which the light is traveling. Schematic of the experimental setup needed to record a spectrum Gihan Gawish.Dr

3 A(λ) = e(λ) l c Gihan Gawish.Dr

4 Beer's Law states that The absorbance, A(λ), of a species at a particular wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, λ, is proportional to the concentration, c, of the absorbing species and to the length of the path, l, of the electromagnetic radiation through the sample containing the absorbing species.  A(λ) = e(λ) l c The proportionality constant e(λ) is called the absorptivity of the species at the wavelength, λ. [  e(λ) is called the molar absorptivity if the concentration is measured in moles/liter. ] Gihan Gawish.Dr

5 It is common to use the energy carried by the radiation per unit area per unit time, which is called the intensity, I, I, use to measure of the "amount" of electromagnetic radiation impinging on a surface.  Gihan Gawish.Dr

6 For a partially transparent sample, we can consider the fraction of the intensity that is permitted to pass through the sample as a measure of the transmittance of the sample.  We define the percent transmittance, %T , of a sample in terms of the intensity of the light incident on the sample, I0 , and the light transmitted through the sample, It T = (It /I0 ) X % A = log I0 /It e l c = log I0 /It Gihan Gawish.Dr

7 A completely transparent sample will have It = I0, and its percent transmittance will be, appropriately, 100.  A sample which permits no radiation of a particular wavelength to pass through it will have It  = 0, and a corresponding percent transmittance of  0 Gihan Gawish.Dr

8 Some wavelengths are particularly useful in the study of Biomolecules
e(1/ λmax(nm) Chromophore 5.6 280 Tryptophane 1.4 274 Tyrosine 0.2 257 Phenylalanine 14.9 260 Adenosine 6.6 DNA 7.4 RNA 40.9 Bovine serum albumine Gihan Gawish.Dr

9 (Type of spectrometer)
Spectrophotometer Colorimeter (Type of spectrometer) Gihan Gawish.Dr

10 Absorption spectra are measured
Characterization Absorption spectra are measured The type of radiation is electromagnatic radiation generated by a lamp (tungesten halogen lamp)( nm). Gihan Gawish.Dr

11 Design of spectrophotometer
Beam of light generated from lamp. Spectrophotometers use a monochromator to analyze the spectrum Samples are usually prepared in cuvettes; ( glass, plastic, or quartz). Gihan Gawish.Dr

12 There are three major classes of spectrophotometers according to the beam;
a. A single beam spectrophotometer measures the absolute light intensity. b. A double beam spectrophotometer measures the ratio of the light intensity on two different light paths. c. Dual beamed: two scources generate individual beams Gihan Gawish.Dr

13 Type of cuvettes are used in spectrophotometer
Disadvantage Advantage Type of cuvettes May absorb ultraviolet radiation Useful in the visible part of the spectrum Glass 1.May absorb ultraviolet radiation. 2. May be damaged by exposure to organic solvents Plastic Fragile & expensive Don’t absorb ultraviolet radiation Quartz Gihan Gawish.Dr

14 Types of Detector (Photo detector)
Photomultiplier tubes It converts light intensity into an electric signal Photodiode Absorption of light by a photodiode produces a current proportion to the number of photons Gihan Gawish.Dr

15 Modern spectrophotometer
Most modern spectrophotometer are usually connected to a computer which facilitates storage Presentation and analysis of spectroscopic data Function: The spectrophotometer measures quantitatively the fraction of light that passes through a given solution. Gihan Gawish.Dr

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