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Need a name / acronym ! CONSORTIUM CERN – Europe – South Asia Initiative for Particle Physics, R&D in Detectors, Computing, Accelerator Technology, Societal.

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Presentation on theme: "Need a name / acronym ! CONSORTIUM CERN – Europe – South Asia Initiative for Particle Physics, R&D in Detectors, Computing, Accelerator Technology, Societal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Need a name / acronym ! CONSORTIUM CERN – Europe – South Asia Initiative for Particle Physics, R&D in Detectors, Computing, Accelerator Technology, Societal Applications and training Giovanni Anelli, Ian Bird, Fabiola Gianotti, Manfred Krammer, Archana Sharma, Emmanuel Tsesmelis and Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle Draft v6 - ppt August 24th 2016 Draft v7 – ppt June15th 2017 Draft v8 August 24th 2017 Draft v9 Sep 10 Draft V10 Oct 4 Draft V11 Oct 16 CERN John Ellis – Kings College Albert de Roeck Peter Jenni - Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg  Steven Goldfarb -  University of Melbourne - IPOGG Kate Shaw - ICTP Daniela Bortoletto –Oxford University Ian Shipsey – Oxford University Rudiger Voss - EPS Barbara Erazmus - CNRS Rolf Heuer tbc Contacted and on going discussions: Spokespeople LHC Experiments Heads of Departments at CERN Various contact people in SA Counries

2 Kickoff Event in South Asia
Kathmandu - Nepal Kick off workshop June Thanks to CERN and KU

3 Courier Article on “Kathmandu Process”

4 Synergies with CERN ongoing programs
CMS TRACKER HGCAL GEM ALICE ITS TPC GEM TRAINING/ Student Programs CERN Europe - South Asia Initiative Accelerator Computing IT Outreach, Education KT ATLAS ITK Muon Neutrino Experiments/SHIP General TH-Other Experiments Try to be fair

5 with SA Countries assisted by CERN/European
Build a consortium with SA Countries assisted by CERN/European Associate Members in region take lead Mauritius BHUTAN Maldives CERN -EU INDIA PAK Sri Lanka Nepal Afghanistan Bangla Desh

6 Coordinators: Work Packages / Country STFC Oxford University
Kings College ICFA EPS ICTP IPPOG CERN DESY tbc …. NEPAL MAU MALD BHU NP INDIA PAKISTAN BD SL AF CMS TRACKER HGCAL GEM ALICE ITS TPC GEM TRAINING/ Student Programs CERN Europe - South Asia Initiative Accelerator Computing IT Outreach, Education KT ATLAS ITK Muon Neutrino Experiments/SHIP General TH-Other Experiments

7 DRAFT Project Management WP1 WP2 Accelerator WP3 Engineering WP4
GEN/TH WP5 Non-LHC Experiments WP6 IT/Computing WP7 LHC Expts WP8 Links with Industry KT WP9 Outreach, Education Training WP7a ALICE SHIP WP6 Digital Repositoires Cloud Computing Year 1 WP7b ATLAS Year 5 NA62 WP7c CMS WP7d LHCb

8 Objectives About 100 publications in international journals
About 50 Masters’ and PhD degrees Cooperation agreements between South Asia and EU institutions Courses for under-graduates, master and doctoral students, in the form of the most advanced material and their academic accreditation by European and South Asian Universities Increased participation in R&D HEP programs in Europe and vice versa Creation of a HEP Technology Data Base specifying Groups in xx where specific technologies can be found for industrial R&D projects. Training for the High School Teachers formation Programs. Development of material for outreach in EU and South Asia

9 Quality and quantity indicators foreseen for fulfilment of Project objectives
Number of master and doctoral degrees. Number of scientific publications. Number of exchanges of scientific personnel, both between and from South Asian institutes and universities as well as from European institutes and universities. Number and scope of scientific cooperation agreements between South Asian and European institutes, universities and funding agencies. Material, quality, recognition and dissemination of the training courses. Number of agreements for mutual recognition between South Asian and European universities. Size and achievements of the technological and innovation EU-SA network, based on the number of nodes, institutes university departments and collaborating industries. Mutual participation in Conferences and Workshops organized both in South Asia and Europe.

10 Strategy and mechanisms for disseminating the results and the materials
 The scientific publications, master and PhD’s works will be disseminated in the usual scientific channels, with emphasis on e-publishing. The scientific cooperation agreements and mutual recognition of physics studies agreements will be stored in a database and diffused to the scientific communities and governmental documentation in SA and EU. The specialized courses will be distributed in the EU SA Network using modern IT and video recording electronic materials The HEP Technology Data Base will be made available to Funding Agencies and Industrial Contacts in SA The outreach material will be disseminated through media opportunities, print, journals, TV’s etc.

11 Work packages vs Institutions (number of months) 5 years
To South Asia To Europe TOTAL WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 WP7 WP8 WP9 Total 540 Maximum 540 person months 540/9=60 mo per year To be divided fairly among the WPs Year 2 idem Year 3 idem Year 4 idem Year 5 idem




15 Next Steps Define details of each step.. WP’s to be defined
Sharing of months in WPs Sharing of months with students, doctoral, Professor, Post Doc, researcher .. Definition of the Project management Definition of budget outlay and cost profile for 5 years …..

16 Steps taken and (being taken)
Look into donating computers procedures and set up a how-to page if possible, per country - link to IT Work Package on proposal – IT –IR to consult Bring Giovanni on board with Industry Contacts + look at Industry WP - done Outreach and Education WP, identify common items and country specific actions - key people and country coordinators to be found / contacted – Kate? Contact INFN for Italy to be on board with INFN / Institutions – await contact person Get detailed info on RISE and Marie Curie actions from Svet (Checked successful Helen; and lessons learnt from E-PLANET. A copy of the report / review has been obtained Eligibility and boundary conditions for funding to be investigated, possibly invite Svet to next meeting India not in the list but can “receive” and “send” experts – all other countries included Bring country key people on board - identify the right people in each country meanwhile

17 Subject: Participation in a funding proposal Europe - South Asia for Particle Physics
Dear Colleague, As you are aware, Pakistan and India have recently become associate members, and International Co-operation Agreements (ICAs) have been signed with Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. This June we had a workshop in Kathmandu, focusing CERN South Asia relations: This workshop brought together physicists and policy makers from the region, and at least one senior scientist and one student from each country participated, making a total of about 70 participants. The aim of the workshop was to bring together representatives from CERN and South Asia countries to strengthen the scientific co-operation between the Organization and the South Asia region. The workshop was initiated as part of CERN’s broader efforts to establish relations with regions, complementing relations with individual countries, and follows similar regional approaches in Latin America and South-east Asia.

18 Subject: Participation in a funding proposal Europe - South Asia for Particle Physics (2)
As a result, several scientists and representatives from the South Asia region, along with CERN and some other institutions and organizations in Europe are happy to collaborate towards a funding proposal similar to the successful Latin American (LA) program HELEN, which resulted in a very effective capacity building in the region, bridging Europe and LA. We have had a couple of informal brainstorming meetings, and we are confident of the interest these ideas have generated. Speaking to the people responsible for Project Proposals, we have found one particularly aimed at R&D and Innovation called RISE: Research and Innovation Staff Exchange. It is mainly focused on leveraging mobility of experienced researchers and students, the objectives being to promote international and inter-sectoral collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges, and sharing of knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice-versa) for the advancement of science and the development of innovation. The proposed research and innovation activities should exploit complementary competences of the participants, as well as other synergies, and enable networking activities, organisation of workshops and conferences to facilitate sharing of knowledge, new skills acquisition and career development for research and innovation staff members in view of R&D and applications. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions, an informal meeting is on Oct 16th at 10 am and some details may be found here: Therefore, it would be great if you could help us identify someone from your department or experiment who would be willing to contribute towards preparing the relevant "projects" within your domain and discuss details and participation mainly for secondments to and from Europe to South Asia over next 5 years, if at all this funding proposal is successful. Many thanks and best regards, Emmanuel & Archana

19 Other Steps since last meeting
Afghan Students – Attempting to Join Delhi University for training and collaboration Mauritian Students – Started common software projects (Garfield++) India – further collaboration – see later Training in India to be opened to regional students – need update Pakistan LHC School of Physics to be open for region – need update

20 Next Steps 16.10.2017 Start working on a draft proposal
Outline and responsibilities Consultancy model WP leaders to be identified Resources matrix AOB

21 Back Up

22 Scientific Advisory Committee
Funding Agency Executive Board Steering Committee 1 2 Coordinator 4 AF BHU BD MAL MAU NEP PAK IN SL CERN 3 Assistant EPS IPPOGG ICTP OX/KCSTFC CERN SHIP - n AC EN KT DESY ? Scientific Advisory Committee Administrator Secretary Scientific Advisory Committee 4 members

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