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Welcome to Sierramont Middle School

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1 Welcome to Sierramont Middle School
****Class of 2020****

2 1) Backpack (Not red, avoid rolling backpacks)
2) Paper (Lined) 3) Notebooks 4) Pencil no 2(Lead pencil okay) 5) Pens, markers, highlighters(no permanent markers) 6) Binder (3 hole punched) 7) Subject divider (6 subjects) 8) Time tracker 9) PE Cloths, PE lock 10) Infinite campus student/parent account

3 6th Grade Academic Program
Core Language Arts & Social Science Math(All incoming 6th graders take the same class) Science Physical Education (P.E.)

4 Electives(Semester) Rotation:Art &Life Skills Music(1 full year) Band Orchestra(auditioning required) Choir


6 After School Sports

7 *Cross Country *Girls Softball * Wrestling *Girls and Boys Basketball *Girls and Boys Volleyball *Girls and Boys Soccer

8 After School Clubs *Kingdom Club *Debate Club *Fitness Club *Drums Club *Math Club *Robotics Club

9 Hot Lunch Prices $2.75 $0.40- Reduced
Individual snack prices vary by item

10 Guidance and Counseling
Counselor and Social Worker are available to help students with scheduling/bullying/peer conflicts. Vacations- Independent study rules. Inform us two weeks prior to leaving. Students can leave for no more than 10 days. All assigned work must be completed and turned in in order to receive credit for the absence.

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