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Phase transformation by mechanical milling Partha Protim Chattopadhyay

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Presentation on theme: "Phase transformation by mechanical milling Partha Protim Chattopadhyay"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phase transformation by mechanical milling Partha Protim Chattopadhyay

2 Contents Energy flow in materials
Mechanically driven phase transformation Experimental techniques for mechanically driven phase transformation Mechanical milling Grain refinement by mechanical milling Different types of phase transformation by mechanical milling Some practical examples of mechanically driven phase transformation

3 Temperature Stress/Strain Energy flow in engineering materials
1 Temperature Stress/Strain 2 Microstructure Energy flow in engineering materials 1. Thermal Stress 2. Heat generation due to mechanical work 3. Temperature dependent phase transformation 4. Latent heat 5. Transformation dilation 6. Stress induced phase transformation

4 Mechanically driven microstructural evolution
Deformation localization in shear bands containing a high dislocation density Annihilation/recombination/rearrangement of dislocation to form cell/subgrain structure with finer dimension Random orientation of grains, i.e., low angle grain boundary  high angle grain boundary  grain boundary sliding rotation

5 Experimental techniques for Mechanically driven phase transformation
Angular torsion Equal channel angular extrusion Pack rolling Mechanical milling

6 Grain refinement by mechanical milling
Microstructure formation by ball milling Mechanics of a planetary ball mill Microcrystalline structure Nanocrystalline structure

7 Effect of grain refinement in polycrystalline materials



10 Polymorphic transformation in Nb
Calculated lattice expansion in  3.7% Measured lattice expansion  4% Calculated stored energy 4.35 x 10-20J/atom Earlier reported value 1.46 x 10-20J/atom


12 Defect induced disordering of the crystalline alloys
Amorphisation by Mechanical Milling Pioneered by Koch et al. in the case of Nb-Ni system Most widely studied SSA technique Achieved in the mixture of pure metal, intermetallics etc Defect induced disordering of the crystalline alloys Repetitive cold welding and fracture Alloying Amorphization

13 Complete amorphization in Al65Cu20(TM)15

14 Machining/wear

15 Phase transformation in wear resistance coating material by mechanical milling

16 Mechanical milling of Al and 316 stainless steel
25 wt% Al 65 wt% Al 85 wt% Al 65 % El.SS


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