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Lecture 5.

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1 Lecture 5

2 Paper 1 Select an area of human endeavor (e.g., a particular sport, marketing, politics, car manufacturing …) and write a 5 page paper on how statistics influenced it. Due on Thursday 9/29. Make sure you clearly reference your sources (including websites)

3 Student’s presentations!

4 R Loops (functions, objects)

5 Issues Case sensitive dog and Dog are different
Careful of extra spaces Brackets ( ) arguments of functions sum(coin); for(i in 1:10), if(coin<1) grouping math formulas (1+3)*(4+5) vs 1+3*4 +5 [ ] indexing valus in a list coin[10] { } grouping commands togather

6 Fibonacci Fibonacci numbers
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, … (explain) Write a loop that prints first 100 fibonacci numbers Idea: (wrap for loop around) New_Number <- Old_Number1 + Old_Number2 Old_Number2 <- Old_Number1 Old_Number1 <- New_Number

7 Homework Create a code that writes first 100 numbers of “super Fibonacci” sequence Xn = Xn-1+Xn-2+Xn-3, X1=X2=X3=1

8 Runs Q: Take guesses (closest will get a cookie)
Toss a coin times. Run is an unbroken sequence of H in a row What is the length of the longest run Take guesses (closest will get a cookie) We will write an R code together

9 Homework Repeat 1000 times and calculate the average run (out of the 1000)

10 Writing code Think of the logic (algorithm)
Then write in the programming language

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