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Team: Stark Industries

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1 Team: Stark Industries
ECE (AD)VENTURES Team: Stark Industries Robot: Iron Bot Spring 2016 Team members: Daisia Grafton Nathalie Poliquin Brian Lague Oscar Holguin

2 Daisia Grafton Year: Freshman Major: Electrical Engineering
At the beginning of this semester I switched my major from Industrial to Electrical Engineering. Next semester I will be interning with GE in Louisville, Kentucky. My advice to incoming freshman would be to never give up on your dreams and don’t let yourself become discouraged at such a competitive school.

3 Nathalie Poliquin Year: Sophomore Major:Electrical Engineering
I was a neuroscience major on the premed track freshman year Now I plan on building my own ROV this summer My advice to freshman: honestly ask yourself what field interests you and just go with it

4 Brian Lague Year: Freshman Major: Electrical Engineering
This class has grabbed my interest in robotics and has made me want to join a robotic club or compete with a team. I plan on next semester joining more clubs at UF and hopefully competing with a robotics team. My advice for incoming freshman is to not procrastinate and that work comes before play.

5 Oscar Holguin Year: Sophomore Major: Electrical Engineer
My advice to freshmen: Don’t wait until you join a class to learn a particular skill. Go online and learn. There are plenty of great online resources that could teach you how to code, build circuitry and plenty of other things And lastly, get involved with clubs and organizations; there is a lot you can learn from others who were in your shoes a few years ago.

6 Stark Industries Iron Bot is Iron Man’s newest form of transportation. Iron Bot must transport Iron man across the battlefield to search and destroy Captain America.

7 Team Conclusions From this class our team has learned the importance of teamwork, some very basic coding, and most importantly that engineering cannot be learned from sitting in a class looking at a chalkboard but, must be learned hands on by applying yourself and getting your feet wet.

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