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Automated Trip Approval

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1 Automated Trip Approval
Our automated trip approval tool allows you to manage the travel activity of your team. When a reservation is made, Trip approval sends an message to the approvers that includes a copy of the itinerary and specifics about the trip. All reservations require approval before tickets can be issued. Some traveler need approval from two levels of management before tickets will be issued. s to the Approvers If two levels of approval are required, an message is sent to the first approver. Once the first lever approver approves a trip, an message is sent to the second level approver. If the first level approver declines a trip, no notification is sent to the second level approver. If no action is taken by an approver within 3 hours of receiving an approval request, a reminder will be sent. If still no action after an additional 3 hours, a third and final is sent to The approving managers may access and approve a trip within 24 hours of when the original message is sent but airfares are subject to increase and reservations are subject to cancellation until tickets have been issued. s to the Traveler Travelers are sent an messages to alert them that his trip requires approval and will not be processed until the Approvals are received. If an approver declines a trip, a message is sent to the traveler to alert him that his reservation is not being processed and no is sent to the second approver. The reservations will be cancelled after 24 hours if Peak Travel Is not contacted to revise the itinerary.

2 Lowest Fare Offered: 203. 40 Fare Accepted: 203
Lowest Fare Offered: Fare Accepted: If lower fare declined, reason: LOWEST FARE ACCEPTED A trip has been submitted for purchase and requires your approval before processing. Please review the details below and click on the link to approve or deny. Please note: This trip would be considered out of policy if any of the following applies: declined airfare results in a loss of over $50.00, hotel per night rate is over $150.00, car size confirmed is larger than intermediate. Click one of the links to process this reservation Approve Trip Decline Trip Two links are embedded in the message of trips that are not policy compliant that allow the manager to approve or Deny the trip. To process the reservation, the manager will need to enter his address and password. The top of the message includes details about the cost and policy guidelines and links to access the approval tool. The complete itinerary details follow. To approve or decline the trip, click on the appropriate link. You will then be asked for your approval credentials.

3 To approve a trip, all that is necessary is the entry of your email address and password.
To decline a trip, you will also be prompted to note a reason why the trip is being declined. It is also possible for an approving manager to access his pending approval list by accessing his account on the approval Website. Instructions are found on following pages.

4 To access the approval web site, use the following URL address and add your address and password: Click on the “Return to Approver Pages”


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