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Chapter 15 CPT Surgery V.

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1 Chapter 15 CPT Surgery V

2 General Guidelines CPT guidelines that apply to subsections are located at beginning of Surgery section Unique code guidelines for each system are located in notes below headings or codes Notes located beneath headings and/or subheadings apply to all codes in heading or subheading, respectively

3 Male Genital System Prostate Seminal vesicles Penis Testicles (testes)
Epididymis Tunica vaginalis Vas deferens Scrotum Spermatic cord (continued)

4 Male Genital System Delmar/Cengage Learning

5 Male Testicle Delmar/Cengage Learning

6 Vasectomy Procedure Delmar/Cengage Learning

7 Code Assignment Determine: Approach Reason for surgery
e.g., incision, destruction, excision, introduction Reason for surgery

8 Varicocele Review operative report to locate type of approach
Laparoscopic Abdominal (continued)

9 Varicocele Varicocele affecting left testicle Delmar/Cengage Learning

10 Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) Treatment
TURP Subtotal open prostatectomy Subtotal prepubic prostatectomy Subtotal retropubic prostatectomy

11 TURP Performed to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy
Delmar/Cengage Learning

12 Prostate Biopsy Review operative report to locate type of biopsy performed Needle Punch Incisional

13 Intersex Surgery Performed as series of staged procedures to transform normal adult genitalia of one sex to that of the other sex Two codes Male to female Female to male

14 Female Genital System Vulva Perineum Introitus Vagina Cervix uteri
Uterus Oviduct (fallopian tube) Ovary (continued)

15 Female Genital System Delmar/Cengage Learning

16 Vulvectomy Procedures
Simple Removal of skin and superficial subcutaneous tissue Radical Removal of skin and deep subcutaneous tissue (continued)

17 Vulvectomy Procedures
Partial Removal of less than 80 percent of vulvar area Complete Removal of greater than 80 percent of vulvar area

18 Hysteroscopy Direct visualization of cervical canal and uterine cavity to examine endometrium to carry out surgical procedures Dilation and curettage (D&C) Removal of foreign body Cervical polyp Biopsy Polypectomy

19 Laparoscopy (Hysteroscopy)
Delmar/Cengage Learning

20 Dilation Expansion of cervical opening Delmar/Cengage Learning

21 Curettage Removal of material from endometrial lining of uterus
Delmar/Cengage Learning

22 Vaginal Hysterectomy (A) For vaginal hysterectomy, just uterus and cervix are removed; (B) For vaginal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries are removed Delmar/Cengage Learning

23 Tubal Ligation Delmar/Cengage Learning

24 Conization Removal of cone-shaped piece of tissue
Loop electrodissection conization Thin wire loop used to perform deep dissection of cervix Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) electrodissection conization Superficial dissection of cervix

25 Maternity Care and Delivery (Obstetrics)
Antepartum Delivery Postpartum

26 Pregnancy Divided into trimesters First Second Third
Fetal organ development Second Well visits Third Baby maturity Delivery at 38 to 40 weeks

27 Coding Pregnancy Three stages of pregnancy care include services provided as part of total obstetrical care Antepartum Delivery of baby Postpartum

28 Total Obstetrical Care
Does not include the following: Diagnostic procedures e.g., ultrasound, amniocentesis, special screening tests Physician office visits for conditions unrelated to pregnancy Codes for these services reported separately from E/M and Medicine sections of CPT

29 Maternity Care and Delivery
Additional procedures performed on same day as maternity care and delivery service reported separately, except: Fetal monitoring during labor Episiotomy Delivery of placenta

30 Antepartum Care Includes the following Initial and subsequent history
Physical examinations Documentation of weight, blood pressure, and fetal heart tones Routine chemical urinalysis (continued)

31 Antepartum Care Includes the following
Monthly visits up to 28 weeks gestation Biweekly visits up to 36 weeks gestation Weekly visits until delivery Included with total obstetrical care Not reported separately

32 Delivery Services Begins with admission to hospital and ends with delivery of placenta (continued)

33 Delivery Services Includes the following Admission to hospital
Admission history and physical exam Management of uncomplicated labor Vaginal delivery Induction of labor Artificial rupture of membranes (AROM)

34 Stages of Labor Delmar/Cengage Learning

35 Delivery Services Report the following services separately with code from E/M or Surgery section of CPT Management of surgical problems Admission for observation prior to delivery Medical complications that complicate management of labor and delivery Tubal ligation performed after delivery

36 Endocrine System Includes 13 glands Two adrenal
Two gonads (female ovaries and male testes) One pancreas (islets of Langerhans) Four parathyroid One pituitary (two lobes) One thymus Two thyroid

37 Endocrine Glands Delmar/Cengage Learning

38 Nervous System Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system
Codes for procedures performed on pituitary and pineal glands located in nervous system subsection

39 Divisions of the Nervous System

40 Nervous System Structures
Delmar/Cengage Learning

41 Nervous System Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system
Brain and spinal cord Peripheral nervous system 12 pairs of cranial nerves extending from brain 31 pairs of spinal nerves extending from spinal cord (continued)

42 Nervous System Arranged anatomically Skull, meninges, and brain
Spine and spinal cord Extracranial nerves, peripheral nerves, and autonomic nervous system

43 Skull, Meninges, and Brain
Injection, drainage, or aspiration Twist drill, burr hole(s), or trephine Craniectomy or craniotomy (continued)

44 Skull, Meninges, and Brain
Surgery of skull base Approach procedures Definitive procedures Repair and/or reconstruction of surgical defects of skull base Endovascular therapy (continued)

45 Skull, Meninges, and Brain
Surgery of aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation, or vascular disease Stereotaxis Neuroendoscopy Repair Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt (continued)

46 Skull, Meninges, and Brain
Delmar/Cengage Learning

47 Skull Base Surgery Review operative report to identify the following
Size of lesion or tumor Anatomy of patient Whether initial procedure to treat condition or reoperation Codes arranged anatomically Anterior, middle, and posterior cranial fossae

48 Cerebrospinal Shunt Allows drainage of CSF from brain into peritoneal cavity Delmar/Cengage Learning

49 Spine and Spinal Cord Anatomic site
Epidural Facet joint nerves Diagnostic or therapeutic procedure (continued)

50 Spine and Spinal Cord Type of substance injected
Contrast media Neurolytic substance Whether injections are continuous

51 Catheter Implantation
Penetration of dura Epidural Intrathecal Percutaneous placement

52 Posterior Extradural Laminotomy
Exploration/decompression of neural element Excision of herniated intervertebral disks Laminotomy (hemilaminectomy) Anatomic site Surgical approach Type of procedure performed

53 Exploration/Decompression
Posterolateral extradural Transpedicular approach Costovertebral approach Discectomy or corpectomy Anterior approach Anterolateral approach Lateral extracavitary approach (LECA)

54 Excision by Laminectomy
Lesion other than herniated disk Anatomic site Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral (continued)

55 Excision by Laminectomy
Type of procedure performed Excision of occlusion of arteriovenous malformation of spinal cord Excision or evacuation of intraspinal lesion other than neoplasm extradural (continued)

56 Excision by Laminectomy
Type of procedure performed Excision of intraspinal lesion other than neoplasm intradural Biopsy/excision of intraspinal neoplasm, extradural, or intradural

57 Extracranial, Peripheral Nerves, and Autonomic Nervous System
Anatomic site Somatic nerve Sympathetic nerve Type of procedure Injection Neurostimulator

58 Introduction/Injection of Anesthetic Agent
Nerve block Diagnostic Therapeutic Type of substance Anesthetic Neurolytic (continued)

59 Introduction/Injection of Anesthetic Agent
Nerve involved Somatic Sympathetic Type of block Single Multiple Regional Duration of infusion

60 Destruction by Neurolytic Agent
Chemical Thermal Electrical Radiofrequency

61 Neuroplasty Exploration Neurolysis Nerve decompression
Carpal tunnel release

62 Eye and Ocular Adnexa Eyeball Anterior segment Posterior segment
Conjunctiva (continued)

63 Eye and Ocular Adnexa Delmar/Cengage Learning

64 Ophthalmologic Procedures
Also located in Surgery section of CPT, with subsections Integumentary system Musculoskeletal system

65 Anterior Segment Corneal transplant Radial keratotomy (continued)

66 Anterior Segment Included in cataract removal
Anterior and posterior capsulotomy Iridectomy Iridotomy Lateral canthotomy Subconjunctival or subtenon injections Use of viscoelastic agent Implantation of intraocular lens (IOL) prosthesis

67 Cataract Surgical Methods
Intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) Extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE)

68 Cataract Extraction Placement of intraocular lens
Delmar/Cengage Learning

69 Posterior Segment Reported procedure performed on: Vitreous Retina
Choroid Sclera

70 Ocular Adnexa Orbit Eye muscles Eyelids Conjunctiva Lacrimal apparatus
Eye socket Eye muscles Eyelids Conjunctiva Lacrimal apparatus Tear apparatus (continued)

71 Ocular Adnexa Do not report code microsurgical techniques requiring use of operating microscope

72 Auditory System External ear Middle ear
Auricle and external auditory meatus Middle ear Tympanic membrane and auditory ossicles (continued)

73 Auditory System Inner ear Temporal bone (middle fossa approach)
Cochlea, saccule, acoustic nerve, semicircular canals, utricle, superior vestibular nerves, and inferior vestibular nerves Temporal bone (middle fossa approach)

74 The Ear Delmar/Cengage Learning

75 Removal of Impacted Cerumen
Delmar/Cengage Learning

76 Tympanoplasty Delmar/Cengage Learning

77 Operating Microscope Subsection
When operating microscope used during surgical procedure to perform microsurgery techniques, report add-on code in addition to primary procedure code

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