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What is the hood? Protects portions of the firefighter’s

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Presentation on theme: "What is the hood? Protects portions of the firefighter’s"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the hood? Protects portions of the firefighter’s
face, ears, and neck not covered by hood What is the hood? Jeff Prokop 200

2 Protect the feet from burn
injuries and puncture wounds What is safety boots? Jeff Prokop 400

3 What is PASS? Protects against possible fatal injury or entrapment by
Signaling when a firefighter is motionless for approximately 30 seconds Jeff Prokop What is PASS? 600

4 This is how many layers a protective coat has
Jeff Prokop What is 3? 800

5 This was the original use of a firefighter’s helmet
What is to protect against heated water? Jeff Prokop 1000

6 Protects the face and lungs from heat, toxic smoke, and
products of combustion Jeff Prokop What is SCBA? 1200

7 This is what IDLH measures.
What is the toxicity of specific gases? 200

8 This toxic gas is present at
all fires. What is carbon monoxide? Jeff Prokop 400

9 This is considered the most
toxic gas What is phosgene? Jeff Prokop 600

10 What is 50? Which gas is more toxic gas with ppm rating of 1200
or gas ppm rating of 50 Jeff Prokop What is 50? 800

11 What is 2? Which gas is more toxic gas with ppm rating of 2
or gas ppm rating of 40,000 Jeff Prokop What is 2? 1000

12 This medical condition will cause fluid build-up
in lungs Jeff Prokop What is edema? 1200

13 Name 2 hazardous Atmospheres.
Smoke, oxygen deficiency, Toxic gases, and elevated Temperatures. Jeff Prokop 200

14 At rest, this is the length an
SCBA will last What is a ½ hour? Jeff Prokop 400

15 This is one action firefighters can take if face piece malfunctions
What is breath with main valve or bypass valve Jeff Prokop 600

16 This is what should happen if
2 gauges on SCBA do not match What is take SCBA out of use? Jeff Prokop 800

17 This is the first Step in doffing SCBA.
What is verify scene is safe? Jeff Prokop 1000

18 This is the reason New Britain uses ½ air packs
What is so that firefighters will take a break during a fire call? Jeff Prokop 1200

19 What is personal protective
PPE What is personal protective equipment? Jeff Prokop 200

20 PASS What is personal alert safety system? Jeff Prokop 400

21 SCBA What is self-contained breathing apparatus? Jeff Prokop 600

22 IDLH What is immediately dangerous to life and health? Jeff Prokop 800

23 PPM What is parts per million? Jeff Prokop 1000

24 NFPA What is National Fire Protection Agency? Jeff Prokop 1200

25 This is how often PPE should be cleaned
Jeff Prokop What is every 6 months? 200

26 What is IDLH? A rating that determines the toxicity of a gas in the
atmosphere Jeff Prokop 400

27 If your air-pack is low, this is how you should respond.
Jeff Prokop Do not panic, slow down breathing and leave scene 600

28 What percentage of an airpack is oxygen
Jeff Prokop 21% 800

29 What are the 2 functions of SCBA?
Jeff Prokop Provide oxygen, and protection of face 1000

30 for allowing air supply
Describe 2 methods for allowing air supply to last longer Jeff Prokop Stay calm, stamina, stay in shape 1200

31 Firefighting Acronyms IDLH A Bit of Everything SCBA PPE 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Jeff Prokop 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 Time Up Final Jeopardy Categ.

32 Jeff Prokop

33 PPE Jeff Prokop

34 IDLH Jeff Prokop

35 SCBA Jeff Prokop

36 Firefighting Acronyms
Jeff Prokop

37 A Bit of Everything Jeff Prokop

38 DAILY DOUBLE Jeff Prokop

39 Final Jeopardy! Jeff Prokop

40 that an SCBA is low on air
What is the signifies that an SCBA is low on air Jeff Prokop

41 A vibration Jeff Prokop

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