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BRACHAux Edreece, M 12 Virginia.

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1 BRACHAux Edreece, M 12 Virginia

2 Think It Just about every living person on our planet has held their arm up in the air, when suddenly, their arm began to get tired. With my invention, the Brachaux, you may no longer have to feel that pain again. The Brachaux adapts to the shape of your arm, then tightens comfort to ensure that it will support your arm. This gives you an extra seconds of keeping your arm up. Then the wooden dowel holds your arm up for as long as you would want it to as well.

3 Explore It While you could do many things to lengthen the time duration before your arm begins to get tired (i.e. increasing muscle), there aren’t many possible solutions to completely get rid of the pain. However, while maintaining good muscular strength, and using the Brachaux, the probability of your arm feeling the pain lessens. People have come up with similar inventions, that solve different problems. There’s the cast, which helps keep broken bones in place, and the shooting sleeve, which helps basketball players maintain their shooting forms. The closest invention to the Brachaux is the brace, which helps your body move/function properly. The Brachaux allows you to have less strain on your muscles, which may prove very useful in the future.

4 Sketch It I couldn’t upload pictures onto the PowerPoint from my phone, so I’ll just explain it down here. The Brachaux uses mostly fleece, but also has Velcro and wooden dowels. There is Velcro at the bottom of the arm brace, where a wooden dowel rapped in fleece that is strapped to your waist that has Velcro attached to the top of the fleece covered wooden dowel. The dowel and Velcro allow you to keep your arm up, with an additional fleece covered dowel over it to give extra support.

5 Create It

6 Tweak It

7 Sell It The Brachaux is something that would become an everyday part of life. It may lead to other similar inventions, and I can work to improve it to enhance comfort and increase the time duration your arm will be kept up without getting tired. If advertised properly, it could potentially make lots of money as well.

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