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Geographical Terms Learning Target: Students will know key geographical terms. Students can use landscape analysis to examine the human organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Geographical Terms Learning Target: Students will know key geographical terms. Students can use landscape analysis to examine the human organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geographical Terms Learning Target: Students will know key geographical terms. Students can use landscape analysis to examine the human organization of space. Do Now: What do you think is the most interesting region or country in the world? Why? 3-5 Sentences

2 Key Vocab Place Region Scale Space Connection

3 1) Place A specific point on earth distinguished by a particular characteristic. Every place occupies a unique location, or position, on Earth’s surface. The place of St. Joes hospital is in the city of Tacoma, atop a hill overlooking commencement bay.

4 2) Region An area of Earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics. Geographers divide the world into a number of regions, such as north America and Latin America.

5 3) Scale Is the relationship between the portion of Earth being studied and Earth as a whole. Geographers study a variety of scales, from local to global. Many process that affect humanity’s occupation of Earth are global in scale. At the same time, local-scale processes-such as preservation of distinctive cultural activities are important. Region-Local

6 Countries outside of Africa with Most “Blacks”
Brazil Colombia Cuba Dominican Republic France Haiti Jamaica Trinidad United Kingdom United States Venezuela

7 States with the most “Blacks”

8 4) Space Refers to the physical gap or interval between two objects. Geographers observe that many objects are distributed across space in a regular manner, for discernible reasons. Less people live in the space between Spokane county and Western Washington.

9 5) Connection Refers to relationships among people and objects across the barrier of space. Geographers are concerned with the various means by which connections occur. Scale, connection, space(W. Wash V E. Wash)

10 Seattle- You have 25 Minutes
I will pair you up. Using either a phone or the computers if you and your partner do not have a phone with internet. I want you to answer the following questions in your journal: Where is the city of Seattle located? What are some specific physical characteristics of that place? On a global scale what region would Seattle be included in ? Globally what is Seattle’s Water port ranked(import/export)? Locally what is something Seattle is famous for? What are some distinctive characteristics about the space Seattle is located in?(Where do majority of Washingtonians live? Why do you think that is?) Then ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER I want you to write a paragraph describing Seattle (Minimum of 5 sentences) that uses the 5 key terms. I will be collecting

11 Check For Understanding
I Will click through 4 slides. I want you to tell me if it’s an example of Place, Region, Scale, Space, or connection. After you decided I want you to write two sentences telling me why.





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