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CS 326 Programming Languages, Concepts and Implementation

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1 CS 326 Programming Languages, Concepts and Implementation
Instructor: Mircea Nicolescu Lecture 4 Good afternoon and thank you everyone for coming. My talk today will describe the research I performed at the IRIS at USC, the object of this work being to build a computational framework that addresses the problem of motion analysis and interpretation.

2 Derivation and Parse Trees
A new grammar for arithmetic expressions: expression → term | expression add_op term term → factor | term mult_op factor factor → identifier | number | - factor | ( expression ) add_op → + | - mult_op → * | / Unambiguous, also captures associativity and precedence

3 Derivation and Parse Trees
Precedence: * 5

4 Derivation and Parse Trees

5 Recognizing Syntax Verify if a given program conforms to the syntax of the language Discover the syntactic structure of the program Corresponds to language implementation (writing compilers) Will discuss: scanners parsers

6 Architecture Scanner Parser
ignores white space (blanks, tabs, new-lines) ignores comments recognizes tokens implemented as a function that returns next token every time it is called Parser calls the scanner to obtain tokens builds parse tree passes it to the later phases (semantic analysis, code generation and improvement) Parser controls the compilation process - "syntax-directed translation"

7 Scanning The scanner is usually implemented as either:
an ad-hoc program an explicit finite automaton a table-driven finite automaton General rule - always accept longest possible token: foobar is foobar, not f or foo or foob 3.14 is 3.14, not 3 then . then 14

8 Ad-hoc Scanner Hand-written scanner for Pascal (incomplete):

9 Finite Automaton (FA)

10 Scanner - Explicit FA

11 Look-Ahead In Pascal: 3.14 real number 3..5 the range of integers between 3 and 5 If it has seen the 3 and the next character coming is a dot, cannot decide yet - needs to peek one more character ahead

12 Look-Ahead In Fortran IV:
DO 5 I = 1, loop (for I = 1 to 25) DO 5 I = assignment (DO5I = 1.25) After seeing DO, cannot decide until reaching the comma or dot DO 5,I = 1, alternate syntax for loop, FORTRAN 77

13 Scanner – Table-Driven FA

14 Automatic Scanner Generators
Unix: lex / flex Take regular expresions as input Produce a C program as output, that implements the scanner (table-driven)

15 Parsing Given any context-free grammar, we can create a parser that runs in O(n3) time – too long Particular classes of grammars that run in O(n) (linear) time: LL (left-to-right, leftmost derivation) LR (left-to-right, rightmost derivation) LL parsers are also called “top-down” or “predictive” LR parsers are also called “bottom-up” or “shift-reduce”

16 Parsing Example – consider the grammar:
id_list → id id_list_tail id_list_tail → , id id_list_tail id_list_tail → ; Describes a comma-separated list of identifiers, such as: A, B, C; Let’s parse the input above

17 Parsing Top-down Bottom-up Input: A, B, C; Grammar:

18 Parsing The example grammar is not very well suited for bottom-up parsing. Why? Because it needs to shift all input tokens until it finds the ; Here is a more suitable one: id_list → id_list_prefix ; id_list_prefix → id_list_prefix , id → id Other classes of grammars: Subclasses of LR: SLR, LALR, … Subclasses of LL: SLL, … Notation for number of tokens to look ahead: LL(k), LR(k) In general, only LL(1) and LR(1) are used

19 Parsing Implementing a parser:
Recursive descent parser (top-down) – section from textbook Automatic parser generators – in Unix: yacc / bison Take a grammar as input Produce a C program as output, that implements the parser

20 Announcements Readings Chapter 2, up to (and including) 2.2.3

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