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NSRF and National Development Planning in Greece

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Presentation on theme: "NSRF and National Development Planning in Greece"— Presentation transcript:

1 NSRF and National Development Planning 2007-2013 in Greece
Latest Developments on Programming Issues April, 2006

2 Overview The Structural Funds in Greece , CSF 2000-2008
Financial framework : The EC decision and Implications The new Regulatory Framework: the constraints

3 Overview Strategic Programming: Main Elements &analysis.
The Programming Documents for the period Partnership and consultation The framework for organizing and coordinating the planning process at a national level Policy orientations and main priorities NSRF content and structure: Strengthening the administrative capacity. Synergies with the National Reform Programme for the Lisbon Strategy Progress and timetable

4 Overview The framework of the OP’s: the new architecture New data
Basic principles Expected results Financial allocation List of the Programmes & financial tables

5 Overview Guidelines for OP structure Analysis Strategy Priority axis
Financial provisions Implementing provisions

6 Overview Key elements for Implementation
Coordination mechanisms Management Framework Decision procedure at national and EC level

7 The structural funds in Greece 2000-2006
All the Greek regions qualify for Objective 1 assistance = 11 Sectoral Operational Programmes 13 Regional Operational Programmes 1 SPD for rural development CSF Total eligible cost : 44,7 billion € Public participation: 34,2 billion € Structural Funds : 22,7 billion € Cohesion Fund: 5,29 billion € (public funds) 4 Community Initiatives: 1,28 billion € (public funds)

8 CSF Priorities Human Resources (employment & education) Transport
Competitiveness Rural development and fisheries Quality of life (environment, culture, health & welfare) Information society Regional development

9 13 Regional Operational Programmes Main priorities and measures
Basic infrastructure (National and Secondary Road networks, ports etc) Education, Health and Welfare infrastructures Training and employment measures Rural development Integrated interventions in : Rural and disadvantaged areas, Urban areas, Local employment initiatives Entrepreneurship and SME support, Development of industrial areas Complementary measures in Research and development, Information Society, Environment

10 ROP Financing 1/3 of total CSF funding
8.261 selected projects in ROPs, September 2005 ( total CSF) Total ROP eligible cost: billion € Public financing: 9.82 out of 34.2 in total CSF Structural Funds: 7.2 (2004 mid term review data)

11 Regional distribution of funds

12 Financial framework: EC Decision & Implications

13 Financial framework: EC Decision & Implications

14 Financial framework: EC Decision & Implications

15 Financial framework: EC Decision & Implications
Regional breakdown for Convergence component is indicative WHILE NO change can be made to regional Phasing out/In allocations. No change to the specific amount for each region or the degressivity profile.

16 Regulatory Constraints
Stricter and more binding programming conditions due to reduced flexibility of redrafting of NSRF or OP’s. Monofund character of the OP’s (art.33.1). No Programme Complement (art.36). Need to achieve synergy & complementarity between policies (art.25.5 a & b and art.36.1f). Additional constraints regarding financial management of regions receiving transitional assistance (art 36 e i &66.2 b). Quantified monitoring of degree of achievement of Lisbon Objectives (earmarking)(art.8.2 bis & 27.2 d) Special emphasis on the set up & effective functioning of management and control systems. Increased responsibilities of managing authorities towards ensuring sound financial management principle.

17 The Programming Documents for the period 2007-13
National Development Plan (NDP) EU co-financing and national funds (public investments programme) together National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) The section of the NDP under EU co-financing, as required by the draft General Regulation National Support Framework (public investments programme) The section of the NDP under national funding

18 The Programming Documents for the period 2007-13
Development Plans of Ministries and Regions (DPs) EU co-financing and national funds Sectoral and Regional Operational Programmes (OPs) EU co-financing

19 The framework for organizing and coordinating the planning process (1)
3 levels of preparation : Preparation level 1: 'Coordination and Policy Formulation Committee' The committee is chaired by the Minister of Economics And Finance and functions as a central coordinating mechanism, establishing the basic framework within which the Plan will develop, and determines the general and more specific issues which need to be discussed in the context of the social dialogue Preparation level 2: 'Drafting group‘ (Ministry of Finance) The group is chaired by the Head of the Directorate for Strategy, Planning and Evaluation of Development Programmes (CSF Managing Authority) and supports the above committee on a day-to-day basis

20 The framework for organizing and coordinating the planning process (2)
Preparation level 3: 'Ministry and Regional Authority Planning Groups' These groups will act as the liaison between the Ministries/Regional Authorities and the Drafting Group 3 special units at the CSF MA: Task Force Financial Perspectives and Regulations, NSRF Task Forces (1 for technical-organizational/managerial aspects and 1 for policy issues)

21 The preparation of NSRF: the partnership requirement. THE GREEK CASE
NSRF prepared by the MS: After consultation with relevant partners According to modalities it considers most appropriate Respecting national rules & practices In dialogue with the EC To demonstrate the full respect of that principle the MS must mention(art.10 & 26.1): How involvement of actors respects principle of transparency: clear/public identification of partners Responsibilities of actors and definition of scope of their participation Organization of work (widest participation of all actors).

22 June 2004 - 1st Circular for the Development Plan
Stating: 7 basic questions (education, knowledge society, R&D, entrepreneurship, labour market policies, environment, infrastructures , social cohesion, productivity etc) to determine the development strategy and main challenges The various bodies and levels to be involved in drawing up the programming documents Timetable and basic phases Overall responsibility for drafting the Plan lies within the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which will be working in association with other ministries involved, as well as regional and local authorities The whole planning process will involve horizontal and vertical consultation with the appropriate agencies and economic and social partners

23 October 2004 - 2nd Circular for the Development Plan
Gave more detailed guidance, specifically : Described the programming framework for the period , as set out in the guideline texts produced to date by the European Union Defined the programming documents to be prepared for the period and the timetable for their preparation Described the methodology and procedures to be followed in defining the National Development Priorities and Strategy Described the methodology and procedures for planning the Sectoral and Regional development priorities Described the principles to be followed in organizing the Regional Development Conferences

24 The underlying principles of planning are as follows:
Planning for development in the new period will be based on specific Strategic Objectives – Development Axes, which must be consistent with overall European strategy Each ministry and each regional authority shall draw up its own Development Programme These Development Programmes will form the basis for the final Operational Programmes. Objectives will be monitored using quantified indicators. The Development Programmes will receive funding not only from European and national resources, but also from the private sector through joint public-private sector partnerships

25 Proposals of the 13 Regions and Ministries in February 2005
The region in the national, EU and international environment Assessment of development interventions in the current and previous programming periods SWOT analysis Basic priorities for the next period Possible intra-regional differentiation in policies and priorities Necessary reforms at the institutional and organizational framework

26 Studies to support National Development Planning
1 General Development Study and 6 thematic studies : Human Resources Regional and Territorial Development Environment Competitiveness Transport Territorial Cooperation Goals: Formulate a scientifically documented basis for a long term development ‘vision’ in the country and support the process of elaborating the basic national priorities/objectives Input to the National Development Plan and the NSRF

27 Studies to support National Development Planning
Study on the draft Regulations of the Structural Funds Study for the adaptation of monitoring and control systems Study for the adaptation of the Public Investments Programme (’National Support Framework’) Various studies , consulting services and technical support to Regions and Ministries Update of the Mid-term evaluations

28 Consultation and partnership
Βroad partnership of bodies and organizations, many of whom will subsequently be involved in its implementation and/or monitoring More than 60 bodies involved (Social Partners, Regions, Ministries) 34 Draft analytical proposals of Regions and Ministries (2nd Circular) : February 2005 13 Regional Development Conferences and several at prefecture level (June –July 2005) 16/7/2005: 1st National Development Conference 42 short and updated proposals in the 1st National Development Conference 1 thematic workshop with social partners (15/11/2005) 7 thematic workshops , one for each development axis, with regions and ministries (1-3/12/2005) Bilateral meetings of Ministry of Finance with social partners Publication of proposals to the web site

29 The roadmap for the National Development Plan
Elaborated by the CSF Management Organization Unit Steps and phases required for NSRF and OP elaboration Timetable Continuous updating, as it depends on developments at EU level (Regulations, Fin. Perspectives, Community Strategic Guidelines on Cohesion etc)

30 Results and milestones
Completion of the General Development Study and 6 thematic studies: October / November 2005 2nd development Conference: 9/12/2005: NSRF presented & submitted for comments 2nd Draft of the NSRF currently under elaboration, in order to take account of comments submitted by partners. New architecture of OP’s currently under elaboration. Unofficial Submission of 1st Draft NSRF to EU : end of 2005 Submission of Draft OPs to EU: end of 1st semester 2006

31 Basic principles for the next programming period (1)
Clearly defined objectives and priorities. Avoid segmented approach and follow international developments Strategic approach to planning : the development plans are a ‘political map’ for development policies in each ministry and region Achieve greater synergies between co-financed interventions with measures financed exclusively by national funds : integrated approach in the framework of the Public Investments Programme (National Support Framework) Fewer Operational Programmes. Simplification, greater flexibility and proactive approach as regards n+2 rule requirements Set-up fewer but efficient / effective Managing Authorities

32 Basic principles for the next programming period (2)
Develop a reliable and effective management and control system with simplified procedures and requirements, aiming at quality and transparency Rationalize the structure and number of Final Beneficiaries. Develop powerful mechanisms for implementation with clearly defined responsibilities and increase their effectiveness and efficiency Enhance the technical and managerial capacities of the final beneficiaries Prevent compliance problems with EU law in domains of particular importance for the future programs Utilize the accumulated experience and know-how from the previous programming periods

33 Expected results of the new structure
Alleviation of the bureaucratic management framework Characterized today by inefficient management costs v. small developmental results Reform of current model Which put a strong burden on National Public Investment programme, by a great number of ineligible expenditure. Greater flexibility & reduced risks of loss of funds due to n+3 rule (until 2010).

34 Latest developments (March-April 2006)
Guidelines for the preparation of the Sectoral and Regional Operational Programmes 3th Circular, end of April 2006 Letter of Minister of Economy & Finance to all involved partners in planning in view of strengthening of the preparation procedure regarding the OP’s beginning of April 2006.

35 7 NSRF broad priority areas
NSRF priorities have not been finalized at this stage of programming However, during the on-going process of consultation with the relevant authorities (regions, ministries, economic and social partners) 7 broad priority areas have been identified: Reinforcement of Accessibility (development of transport, communications) Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship (investments, innovation, entrepreneurship, R&D, access to finance) Quality of life (environment, health, culture) Digital Convergence Human Resources Development and Employment Strengthening administrative capacity and reforming the public administration Territorial cooperation (cross border, inter-regional, transnational)

36 NSRF content and structure: Requirements of the Draft General Regulation
analysis of development disparities, weaknesses and potential, taking into account trends in the European and world economy the strategy chosen, including the thematic and territorial priorities actions relating to urban areas, the diversification of rural economies and areas dependent on fisheries ensures that assistance from the Funds is consistent with the Community strategic guidelines on cohesion and the national reform programme list of operational programmes indicative annual allocation from each Fund by programme information required for ex-ante verification of compliance with the additionality principle the actions envisaged for reinforcing the Member State’s administrative efficiency the procedure of the co-ordination between Community cohesion policy and the relevant national, sectoral and regional policies mechanisms for ensuring co-ordination between the operational programmes and the assistance from the Funds, the EAFRD, the EFF, and the interventions of the EIB and of other existing financial instruments ex ante evaluation, indicators

37 The additionnality requirement

38 The additionnality requirement
draft Gen.Reg. (art. 100): possible financial corrections for a Member State not fulfilling obligations as defined in art. 13. financial sanctions proportional to the non-fulfilment of obligations of Member States. size relative to the allocations of Structural Funds to the Member States and their GDP . amount of the correction equal to one tenth of the shortfall in excess of 3% of the agreed target level. Thereafter increase by 0,1 % for each additional percentage point of shortfall.

39 NSRF / ROP content and structure The contribution of 6 thematic studies
Current situation, challenges and development disparities Link with EU policies National and regional performance, comparisons with EU level SWOT analysis Evaluate achievements and results up to date Elaborate a long term ‘development vision’ Priorities and strategy (rationale) Clearly defined objectives Justification of the policy mix Regional/territorial dimension Relevance and coherence of the strategy Expected results and impacts Quantification of objectives Preconditions (legal, organizational framework etc) Compatibility with National Development Plan objectives Expected socioeconomic impacts Coherence with EU priorities (CSG, Lisbon)

40 Basic issues for the ROP’s 2007-2013 currently under consideration
Reduction to 5 ROPs and 5 ROP Managing Authorities (currently 13) Complement ROP’s with the National Support Framework (eg objective 2 Regions) Set up a new Development Agency (Anaptyxiakos Organismos Perifereias) in each Region Participation of all agencies in the Region Financially independent Immediate set up and staffing

41 Synergies with the National Reform Programme for the Lisbon Strategy 2005-2008
March 2004 : Following the mid term review of the strategy, the Economic Office of the Prime Minister took over the coordination of the strategy and initiated a dialogue with the social partners One senior civil servant was appointed in every one of the 9 Ministries involved, as Lisbon strategy liaison Each Ministry was asked to draft a plan for the second half of the strategy specifying reforms, targets, costs, deadlines The Economic Office of the PM with the Ministry of Economy prepared the draft National Action Plan September 2005: Draft Lisbon National Reform Programme currently under public consultation October 2005 : Approval by the Hellenic Parliament October 15th : Submission to EU

42 Synergies with the National Reform Programme for the Lisbon Strategy 2005-2008
5 priorities for the period : Focus on fiscal stability and viability, with main priority in the reduction of deficit under the reference rate till the end of 2006 Increase of productivity, focusing on structural problems in the operation of the market (products, capital and employment), investment in human capital and the promotion of the Knowledge Society Promotion of growth, via the improvement of business and entrepreneurial environment, the openness of the markets, the completion of the internal market, the reinforcement of competition, the improvement of infrastructures and R&D spending Increase of employment, restriction of structural unemployment, education and training of employed and unemployed Targeted measures for the improvement of the quality and the productivity of work, reducing unemployment and tackling social exclusion

43 Synergies with the National Reform Programme for the Lisbon Strategy 2005-2008
The NRP covers the last 2,5 yeas of implementation of CSF and the first 2 years of NSRF CSF supports to a great extent the attainment of Lisbon strategy priorities A significant share of SF funding contributes to Lisbon objectives: % directly contributing - 48% including actions contributing in a broader sense. More than 300 out of 794 CSF measures in total, contain interventions that contribute to the Lisbon objectives Indirect integration of Lisbon priorities at the planning phase of CSF. Budget increases of relevant measures in 2004 mid-tern review . Emphasis at the implementation level (Final Beneficiaries, best practices) The NSRF shall contribute to the 2nd, 3rd ,4th and 5th priorities of the Lisbon National Reform Programme

44 Synergies with the National Reform Programme for the Lisbon Strategy 2005-2008
The objectives of the Hellenic authorities are: Ensure the coordination of the planning, implementation and monitoring processes of the two Plans (NSRF/NRP) and avoid the operation of parallel systems Monitor and evaluate the progress in implementing the Lisbon objectives and to systematically estimate the NSRF contribution Promote the active participation of the regional authorities and social partners Regional “modulations” of the Lisbon Strategy should be encouraged. Regional authorities should be encouraged to incorporate more actively the overall objectives of the Lisbon Strategy into their own strategic development programming, adapting the Strategy’s specific targets to local and regional needs Avoid the mechanical and rigid adaptation of the priorities of the Structural Funds to the investment priorities of the Lisbon Strategy

45 National Development Plan has to be approved by the Greek Parliament
NDP approval The final draft of the National Development Plan has to be approved by the Greek Parliament

46 The new architecture (OP’s)
The priorities: 7 Thematic Programmes Environment and Accessibility (development of transport, communications) Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship (investments, innovation, entrepreneurship, R&D, access to finance) Digital Convergence Human Resources Development and Employment Public administration Technical assistance Interreg

47 The new architecture (OP’s)
5 Regional Programmes ROP Makedonia & Thrace Anatoliki Makedonia & Thrace Kendriki Makedonia Dyttiki Makedonia ROP Dyttiki Ellada Ionian Islands Dyttiki Ellada Peloponnisos ROP Crete & Aegean islands Boreio Aigaio Notio Aigaio Crete ROP Ipeiros/Thessalia/Sterea Ipeiros Thessalia Sterea Ellada ROP Attiki

48 The new architecture (OP’s)
The financial framework: Exclusive financing of (5) regions in transitional regime through ROP’s. Exception: SF will have a national impact because of regulation requirements (monofund programmes). For 11 regions (except the 2 phasing in) SF actions will be financed through the 10% ERDF (flexibility rule). The 8 regions in objective 1 status (pure convergence) The Cohesion Fund will finance actions with national range with emphasis on the 2 phasing in regions.

49 Regional Coverage of OP’s & ROP’s by Fund

50 Breakdown of Community Contribution to OP’s

51 Breakdown of Community Contribution to ROP’s

52 Models: List of OP’s & Financial Tables

53 Models: List of OP’s & Financial Tables

54 Consultation procedure for the drafting of OP’s

55 Approval procedure of thematic OP’s & submission to the EC

56 Approval procedure of ROP’s & submission to the EC

57 Decision Procedure at EC level
Art.26.2 G.Reg: NSRF transmitted to EC within 5 months of adoption of CSG. EC checks contents according a check-list: Consistency with CSG, NRP. Analysis of socioeconomic situation (SWOT analysis) Description of Strategy (thematic & territorial priorities) Key elements of implementation Information on art.10 requirement (partners involvement) Mechanisms of coordination EC checks internal logic of the document If needed, observations are addressed by EC to MS within 3 months of date of receipt. Art G.Reg: Decision on list of OP’s, indicative annual allocation from each fund, respect of additionality requirement, administrative efficiency measures.

58 Decision Procedure at EC level
Recevability examination: If check list is complete the decision process starts. If not, MS is notified of the lack of elements and is requested to complete the document. Content examination: Once all needed information is in the EC. Examination of quality of elements included in the documents If lack of quality, observations addressed to MS. Decision: When no problems are indicated Internal procedure Agreement on NSRF (art.26.3). If NSRF and OP’s are submitted at the same time (art.26.2), art.31.5 applies. EC has 4 months to react on NSRF. If NSRF is presented ‘n’ months before OP’s, EC has ‘n+4’ months to react.

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