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Wuzzles Temp era ture T T T I I I S S S Falling Temperature.

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2 Wuzzles Temp era ture T T T I I I S S S Falling Temperature

3 English Grammar 1 Lecture 3 Jan 22, 2016
Noun Groups Post-modification Rankshifted clauses Class Activity: Red/Green Challenge

4 Lecture Plan Review key concepts Noun groups Post modification
Down-shifted clauses ACTIVITY/COMPETITION

5 Word group (joined words)
Grammatical Ranking Text Joined clauses Single Clause Word group (joined words) Word Morpheme

6 Review: Noun Groups

7 Which are Noun Groups? A large Italian man drinking a cappuccino
Screaming loudly Silly people with nothing better to do Skipping briskly An amazing insect with large scaly wings

8 Find the HEAD of the NG A large Italian man drinking a cappuccino
Screaming loudly Silly people with nothing better to do Skipping briskly An amazing insect with large scaly wings

9 Find the HEAD of the NG A large Italian man drinking a cappuccino
Screaming loudly Silly people with nothing better to do Skipping briskly An amazing insect with large scaly wings

10 Noun Groups An amazing insect with large scaly wings Dr Post-M Epithet
pp dv Adj N The Head is the focal point of a word group on which other words ‘depend’, or which other words ‘point to’ or ‘add meaning to’.

11 Modifiers: FUNCTION Modifiers tend to add information about the noun. Adjectives, other nouns, or participles, normally perform the function of Modifier before the Head noun, and relative clauses and prepositional phrases often function as Modifier after the Head noun.

12 Pre-Plenary Challenge #1
Can we add “very” in front of hideous? hideous Thomas who loves to eat silly sausages Pre-M Post-M

13 Pre-Plenary Challenge #1
Can we add “very” in front of hideous? YES hideous Thomas who loves to eat silly sausages Pre-M Post-M Ep Adj. noun Relative clause

14 Pre-Plenary Challenge #2
people who aren’t very smart Post-M Relative clause

15 Pre-Plenary Challenge #3
homework helps people who aren’t very smart

16 Pre-Plenary Challenge #3
S F/P O II I homework I helps I people who aren’t very smart I II NG VG NG

17 What’s this F/P stuff???

18 S F P O He does cook salmon He did cook salmon
Finite—takes the tense (construes tense) Predicator– takes the lexical meaning (construes the event) S F P O He does cook salmon He did cook salmon

19 He does cook salmon He cooks salmon S F P O He did cook salmon S F/P O
He cooked salmon


21 POST-modification in NGs

22 Noun Groups The Monarch is a common poisonous butterfly that eats poisonous milkweed in its larval stage. How many NGs in the clause above? 2

23 Noun Groups The Monarch
Identify the HEAD The Monarch  a common poisonous butterfly that eats poisonous milkweed in its larval stage.

24 Noun Groups The Monarch Identify the HEAD
 a common poisonous butterfly that eats poisonous milkweed in its larval stage.

25 Noun Groups Identify the Pre-modifiers and label the FUNCTIONS (above) and CLASS (below)  a common poisonous butterfly Functions: DR Pre-M 1 (ep) Head CLASS: dv Adj noun

26 Noun Groups dv adj adj noun
Identify the Pre-modifiers and label the FUNCTIONS (above) and CLASS (below) DR Epithet Epithet H  a common poisonous butterfly dv adj adj noun Check MOODLE for more information on Epithet and Classifier. DO NOT PANIC. Epithet will do just fine.

27 Noun Groups Identify the POST modifier
butterfly that eats poisonous milkweed in its larval stage.

28 Noun Groups Identify the POST modifier
Label the CLASS (under the wording) H Post-M (qualifier) butterfly that eats poisonous milkweed in its larval stage. noun relative clause The relative clause is functioning as the post modifier for the head, butterfly

29 Noun Groups dwei Bu dwei
The Monarch is a common poisonous butterfly that eats poisonous milkweed in its larval stage. Are there two clauses in this sentence? [How many verbs are there?] Are the two clauses functioning at the same level?   dwei Bu dwei

30 Its not at the same rank or level; it is shifted down.
Text Joined clauses Single Clause Word group Word Morpheme The Monarch is a butterfly… that eats poisonous milkweed Its not at the same rank or level; it is shifted down.

31 Downshifted/ rankshifted clause
The Monarch is a common poisonous butterfly that eats poisonous milkweed in its larval stage. …that eats poisonous milkweed in its larval stage = a relative clause What is its function in the sentence?

32 The Monarch is a common poisonous butterfly that eats poisonous milkweed in its larval stage.
The “that” clause ADDS information to the HEAD, butterfly The “that” clause is giving the reader more insights about the butterfly. It is not the main clause. It is downshifted; downranked; rankshifted

33 Functioning within a word group
Find examples of a word group (NG) with a rankshifted clause. Find the H; then Pre/Post modifiers the course which is required for graduation the course everyone fears

34 Functioning with a word group
Find examples of a word group (NG) with a rankshifted clause. (Find the HEAD) DR H Post-M the course which is required for graduation DR H Post-M the course everyone fears

35 Functioning with a word group
Find examples of a word group (NG) with a rankshifted clause. (Find the HEAD) DR H Post-M the course which is required for graduation dv n relative clause DR H Post-M the course everyone fears dv n [which] ellipsed relative clause

36 NGs The first year students are taking the course which everyon e
The first year students are taking the course which everyone fears. (additional information about “course” which happens to contain a VERB and is therefore a clause but functioning at the word group level).

37 Rank-Shifted Clauses A rankshifted clause is one which is not functioning at Clause level. The rankshifted clause is functioning within a word group. Thus, the clause is ‘down-ranked’ from clause to word group level. Other terms: DOWNSHIFTED

38 Word group Word Text Morpheme Single Clause Joined clauses
The first year students are taking the course.. [which] everyone fears.

39 This is the silly little dog *who likes to sit on my foot.
The relative pronoun, who, is generally used with human subjects. However, those of us who are dog lovers, tend to personify our pets and use “who”.

This is the silly little dog who likes to sit on my foot. dog Post-M Pre-M who likes to sit on my foot. my silly little This is a NG. It has a HEAD. It has pre-modifications and post-modifications. CAN YOU ALSO SEE A CLAUSE?

41 This is the silly little dog who likes to sit on my foot.
Post-M Pre-M who likes to sit on my foot. my silly little who likes to sit on my foot. What is the function of this clause? Is it the MAIN clause? Or is it serving another purpose?

42 TEXT Type: Information Text

43 What is the social purpose of this text?
Tarantulas Tarantulas are big hairy spiders that live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. They are poisonous, but only bite if they sense they are in danger, and the bite is not often fatal. It is not too much more painful than a bee sting. It is important to handle tarantulas very carefully, not because they can kill you, but because they are very fragile. What is the social purpose of this text?

44 Tarantulas Tarantulas are big hairy spiders that live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. They are poisonous, but only bite if they sense they are in danger, and the bite is not often fatal. It is not too much more painful than a bee sting. It is important to handle tarantulas very carefully, not because they can kill you, but because they are very fragile. EXPERIENTIAL MEANING: Field: tarantulas, spider, poisonous, danger, bite, fatal, painful, carefully, kill, fragile EXPERIENTIAL MEANING: What words make up the field of the text?

45 Tarantulas Tarantulas are big hairy spiders that live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. They are poisonous, but only bite if they sense they are in danger, and the bite is not often fatal. It is not too much more painful than a bee sting. It is important to handle tarantulas very carefully, not because they can kill you, but because they are very fragile. EXPERIENTIAL MEANING: Are the words primarily everyday, non-technical, or non-everyday and technical? Are they concrete or abstract? High or low frequency words?

46 Tarantulas Tarantulas are big hairy spiders that live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. They are poisonous, but only bite if they sense they are in danger, and the bite is not often fatal. It is not too much more painful than a bee sting. It is important to handle tarantulas very carefully, not because they can kill you, but because they are very fragile. EXPERIENTIAL MEANING: Logical meaning “but” is used two times; because

47 Tarantulas Tarantulas are big hairy spiders that live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. They are poisonous, but only bite if they sense they are in danger, and the bite is not often fatal. It is not too much more painful than a bee sting. It is important to handle tarantulas very carefully, not because they can kill you, but because they are very fragile. Interpersonal Meaning: Pronouns? Evaluative language (opinion)? Modality (degree of certainty)?

48 Tarantulas Tarantulas are big hairy spiders that live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. They are poisonous, but only bite if they sense they are in danger, and the bite is not often fatal. It is not too much more painful than a bee sting. It is important to handle tarantulas very carefully, not because they can kill you, but because they are very fragile. Interpersonal Meaning: Pronouns? “they” reference to spider; “you” personal pronoun; somewhat personal reader-writer relationship Evaluative language (opinion)? Not too much more painful; carefully, important, very Modality (degree of certainty/usuality)? Not often; bare assertions Interpersonal Meaning: Pronouns? Evaluative language (opinion)? Modality (degree of certainty)?

49 Tarantulas Tarantulas are big hairy spiders that live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. They are poisonous, but only bite if they sense they are in danger, and the bite is not often fatal. It is not too much more painful than a bee sting. It is important to handle tarantulas very carefully, not because they can kill you, but because they are very fragile. Find the most complex NG in the text above.

50 TEXT: Tarantulas Tarantulas are big hairy spiders that live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. They are poisonous, but only bite if they sense they are in danger, and the bite is not often fatal. It is not too much more painful than a bee sting. It is important to handle tarantulas very carefully, not because they can kill you, but because they are very fragile.

51 Unpack the NG big hairy spiders that live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere DR DR Post-M HEAD

52 Unpack the NG big hairy spiders that live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere HEAD Post-M DR DR noun adj Relative clause downshifted adj

53 Unpack the complex NG a tiny little creature that I found in my shoe
What is the HEAD?

54 Unpack the complex NG a tiny little creature that I found in my shoe
Underline the pre-m Underline the post -m

55 Unpack the complex NG a tiny little creature that I found in my shoe
Label the FUNCTIONS (above) Label the CLASS (below)

56 Unpack the complex NG a tiny little creature that I found in my shoe
DR Epithet Epithet H Post-M a tiny little creature that I found in my shoe dv adj adj N Rel. clause Label the FUNCTIONS (above) Label the CLASS (below)

57 Downshifted rel. clauses
A tiny little creature found in my shoe A tiny little creature hiding in my shoe A tiny little creature living under a rock Are there relative clauses above? Say YES.

58 Downshifted relative clauses
A tiny little creature which I found in my shoe A tiny little creature which was hiding in my shoe A tiny little creature which is living under a rock These are called ELLIPSED clauses.

59 Ellipsed relative clause?
The boy who is jumping on the bed is driving me crazy. The boy jumping on the bed is driving me crazy. The girl singing along to the radio is off key. I have one dog who loves to sit on my foot. who is

60 Take a QUICK break: 10min RED and GREEN Activity /competition
When you come back: RED and GREEN Activity /competition

61 ACTIVITY/Review (competition)

62 ACTIVITY: Red or green (yes/no)
Are the following boundaries correct? Hold up red for no or green for yes. (Clause constituents = I ; between word groups) II IA I clause I contains a verb I II

63 ACTIVITY: Red or green (yes/no)
II IA I clause I contains a verb I II Correct answer: II IA clause I contains I a verb I II

64 III A clause I contains I a verb III
ACTIVITY: Red or green Are the following FUNCTIONS (above the wording) correct? Hold up red for no or green for yes. S F/P O III A clause I contains I a verb III

65 ACTIVITY: Red or green (yes/no)
Are the following CLASSes correct (below)? Hold up red for no or green for yes. S F/P O IIIA clauseI contains Ia verb III NP VP QP

66 ACTIVITY: Red or green (yes/no)
S F/P O III A clause I contains I a verb III NP VP QP CORRECT: S F/P O NP VP NP

67 ACTIVITY: Red or green (yes/no)
Is the following HEAD identified correctly? Hold up red for no or green for yes. A clause of any length

68 ACTIVITY: Red or green (yes/no)
Are the following FUNCTIONS correct? Hold up red for no or green for yes. DR Post-M A clause of any length

69 ACTIVITY: Red or green (yes/no)
Are the following CLASSes identified (below) correctly? Hold up red for no or green for yes. DR Post-M A clause of any length dv n vp

70 ACTIVITY: Red or green (yes/no)
Dr Post-M A clause of any length dv n vp CORRECT dv n pp

71 ACTIVITY: Red or green (yes/no)
Are the following FUNCTIONS/ CLASSes correctly identified? Hold up red for no or green for yes. DR Pre-M HEAD Post-M the little dog that was barking dv adj n VP Relative clause downshifted

72 Activity: Red or Green? Are the clause constituent boundaries correct?
IIIMy dog who is a purebred I is Inot very brightIII

73 Activity: Red or Green? The longest NG in this clause consists of 3 words. My dog who is a purebred is not very bright. 6

74 Activity: Red or Green? There is a downshifted/downranked relative clause in the example below. Yes (green) or no (red)? My dog who is a purebred is not very bright.

75 Activity: Red or Green? There is a downshifted/downranked relative clause in the example below. Is it underlined/ identified correctly. Yes or no? My dog who is a purebred is not very bright.

76 Activity: Red or Green? Are the clause constituent boundaries correct? III This is I a crazy loud plenary held on Fridays. III

77 Activity: Red or Green? Are the clause constituent boundaries correct? III This I is I a crazy loud plenary held every Friday. III

78 Activity: Red or Green? Are the FUNCTIONS correctly identified? S F Cs III This I is I a crazy loud plenary held every Friday. III

79 Activity: Red or Green? Are the CLASSES correctly identified? S F Cs III This I is I a crazy loud plenary held every Friday. III NG VG Object NG

80 Activity: Red or Green? Is the NG correctly identified? DR Ep Ep H Post M a crazy loud plenary held every Friday

81 Activity: Red or Green? Is the NG correctly identified? DR Ep Ep H Post M a crazy loud plenary held every Friday dv adj adj noun vp adv head

82 Activity: Red or Green? Is the NG correctly identified? DR Ep Ep H Post M a crazy loud plenary held every Friday dv adj adj noun vg

83 Activity: Red or Green? Is the NG correctly identified? DR Ep Ep H Post M a crazy loud plenary held every Friday dv adj adj noun [which is] rel clause

84 Activity: Red or Green Is the following statement true (green) or false (red)? Mrs. Keh has three dogs. Mrs. Keh has three boys. Mrs. Keh has three ears.


86 What we covered Noun Groups Classes of Nouns Functions of Noun Groups
Modifiers Head Nouns Classes of Nouns Functions of Noun Groups Clauses functioning at the word group level (downshifted/rankshifted)

87 HOMEWORK TEXT Whales are large, intelligent, aquatic mammals. They breathe air through blowhole(s) into lungs (unlike fish who breathe using gills). Whales have sleek, streamlined bodies that move easily through the water. Whales swim by moving their muscular tail (flukes) up and down. Fish swim by moving their tails left and right. The biggest whale is the blue whale which grows to be about 94 feet (29 m) long - the height of a 9-story building. These enormous animals eat about 4 tons of tiny krill each day, obtained by filter feeding through baleen. Adult blue whales have no predators with the exception of man.  Complex whale songs can be heard for miles under the water. The humpback's song can last for 30 minutes. Baleen whales sing low-frequency songs and toothed whales emit whistles and clicks that they use for echolocation. The songs are thought to be used in attracting mates, to keep track of offspring, and for the toothed whales to locate prey.

88 Reminder: Week 4 Quiz #1 During your Tutorials February 2,3 or 4
You will be given a short text from which the quiz items are taken. II Clause constituents II S, F/P (given) O, C, A NG, VG, Adjg Functions DR Epithet Class. H Class dv, adj (participle), noun, pp, rel. clause

89 Where can you go for extra practice?


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