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Post-impressionism It’s a designation to groups made by painters. Post-impressionism was born after impressionism in the late 1800s till early 1900s.

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Presentation on theme: "Post-impressionism It’s a designation to groups made by painters. Post-impressionism was born after impressionism in the late 1800s till early 1900s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post-impressionism It’s a designation to groups made by painters. Post-impressionism was born after impressionism in the late 1800s till early 1900s.

2 In Finland few painters tried postimpressionism, but only one painter has affected in Finland, Alfred William Finch. He was Belgian-British. He painted inter alia, this. Postimpressionism took influences from modernism. (Which was before postimpressionism.) Post-impressionism in art works were more emotional and more simple than impressionism artworks were.

3 Post-impressionism artwork and impressionism artwork.

4 More info about post-impressionism.
In post-impressionism art works are more vivid, colorful and more stylized, as we can see in the pictures before in this lecture. In post-impressionism real-life subjects matters. People have been painted normally, there is not any differences to normal common people. Paintings are pretty modern looking.

5 Sources. Dias 1-4:
and Pictures: Picture 1 in 1st dia: Picture 1 in 2nd dia: French_-_A_Centennial_of_Independence_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/1024px- Henri_Rousseau_%28French_-_A_Centennial_of_Independence_- _Google_Art_Project.jpg Picture 2 in 2nd dia: _De_Wellingtonrenbaan_te_Oostende_1888_001.JPG/220px-Willy_Finch_- _De_Wellingtonrenbaan_te_Oostende_1888_001.JPG

6 More sources. Picture 3 in 3rd dia: _Un_dimanche_apr%C3%A8s- midi_%C3%A0_l%27%C3%8Ele_de_la_Grande_Jatte.jpg/350px- Georges_Seurat_-_Un_dimanche_apr%C3%A8s- midi_%C3%A0_l%27%C3%8Ele_de_la_Grande_Jatte.jpg Picture 4 in 3rd dia: _Luncheon_on_the_Grass_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/220px-Edouard_Manet_- _Luncheon_on_the_Grass_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg

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