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Peer-to-Peer Exchange Meeting on Remittances 17th - 19th October, 2016 Nairobi, Kenya Renza Tovazzi, IOM Program Officer – ACP-EU Migration Action

2 ACP-EU Dialogue on Migration and Development
The Action stems out of the ACP-EU Dialogue on Migration and Development The African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) - European Union (EU) Dialogue on Migration involves the 79 (80) ACP States and the 28 MS of the EU; Based on Article 13 of the Cotonou Agreement and therefore on the explicit will of all parties that migration becomes “…subject of in-depth dialogue in the framework of the ACP-EU Partnership...”; Rounds of discussions based in Brussels and latest recommendations on remittances, visas and readmissions (Port Vila/Vanuatu, June 2012) and trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants (Brussels/Belgium, May 2015).

3 The ACP-EU Dialogue on Migration and Development
79 ACP Member States (80 with South Sudan) 28 European Union Member States 15 in the Pacific 23 in West and Central Africa 16 in the Caribbean 11 in East and Horn of Africa (with South Sudan) 15 in Southern Africa

4 Background on the ACP-EU Migration Action
INITIATIVE of the ACP Secretariat and the European Union, implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). DONOR  the European Union through the 10th EDF (9,7 M€). IMPLEMENT ACTIVITIES  to promote the ACP-EU Dialogue on Migration & Development recommendations through demand-driven technical assistance (55 received to date) for ACP Governments and Regional Organizations and support to Non-State Actors initiatives. TIMELINE  the Programme started in June 2014 and is currently foreseen to end in February 2018 (44 months). GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE 80 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (incl. South Sudan) DECENTRALIZED STRUCTURE  to ensure constant & direct engagement with Gov./ROs/NSAs

5 What does the Action offer?
Demand-driven Technical Assistance (TA) to requesting ACP Governments or Regional Organizations exclusively in the following areas: visas, remittances, readmission, THB and smuggling of migrants; Component 1 Funding opportunities for initiatives proposed by NSAs for the benefit of migrants in the same thematic area and country/region where a TA intervention has been implemented; Component 2 Information collection & dissemination with the purpose of feeding the ACP-EU Dialogue with new perspectives. Component 3

6 What did the Action achieve to present?
Remittances is together with THB and Smuggling, the topic where the largest number of ACP countries have requested assistance for.

7 The highest number of requests have been received from West and Central Africa, though this is also the region that comparatively has more ACP countries.


9 The Interventions supported through the Action in the sector of Remittances versus the Dialogue’s recommandations The RECCOMENDATIONS of the DIALOGUE Improve the legislative and regulatory framework of sending and receiving countries Reinforce the capacity in data collection, processing and analysis Make available data on transfer costs Improve knowledge on South-North remittances. Broaden typology of formal channels including postal networks, with a focus on the use of new technologies such as mobile phones. Assess gaps of the current systems in order to ease transfers Decrease the costs of transferring remittances Promote access to financial services, with particular attention to rural areas. Promote financial literacy Support possibilities for further mobilising investments of migrant savings which aim to contribute to development and the creation of businesses in the countries of origin Recommendations for a Policy Framework on Remittances and Diaspora Engagement for the OECS Evaluation of mechanisms in place so as to reduce the cost of remittances for MALI and GHANA Recommandations so as to improve data collection on remittances for TOGO and ECOWAS Study on remittances reaching GUYANA and on the ways how to reduce costs of transfers Study on remittances and their impact in CABO VERDE Support the Central Bank of SOMALIA (CBS) in its development of a mobile money licensing and regulatory framework Study identifying barriers adversely affecting the Diaspora of ETHIOPIA from using formal remittances transfer mechanisms and possible solutions Development of a digital remittance booklet in KENYA Recommendations formulation/Studies on needs and gaps in the diaspora engagement policy/ies for IGAD's Member States, for TONGA, for ZIMBABWE, for SIERRA LEONE

10 Thank you for your attention!
For additional information, please contact: IOM RO Brussels


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