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Gowalla and Facebook Places

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1 Gowalla and Facebook Places
By: Jasmine Woods

2 Here’s the Game Plan… What is Gowalla and its purpose?
How does it relate to Facebook? What is Facebook Places? Difference between Facebook Places and Gowalla?

3 Let’s Start Off With What Gowalla is…
Gowalla is a location-based social network owned by Facebook Launched 2007 in Austin, Texas December 2009  funded by Greylock Partners and angel investors Chris Sacca, Kevin Rose, and Jason Calacanis. December 2, 2011  Facebook purchased Gowalla for an undisclosed amount

4 Once again…What is Gowalla???
Mobile web application App allows users to ‘check-in’ to their locations using applications only available on Android, iPhone, Palm Pilot, and Blackberry phones Impossible to use through the website Ability to check-in through Twitter and Facebook


6 How Is It Tied To Facebook??
Gowalla is under Facebook’s umbrella Like Foursquare, Gowalla allows users to send their check-ins to Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr

7 So Where Does Facebook Places Come In…
Announced August 18, 2010 Allows users to check-in their locations to their friends Shows who is in user’s surrounding area Allows users to tag people on their friends list Posts check-ins as a status on facebook

8 Soo Which Should You Use??
Gowalla Pros Cons Passport feature Only mobile accessible Earn rewards and stamps for check-ins No reviews or tips available about any locations Tells user distance between various locations Life span isn’t long

9 Soo Which Should You Use?
Facebook Places Pros Cons Check-ins automatically upload to Facebook Timeline Only useful for Facebook Can see who is also at your location Not available on all smart phones Friends can be tagged in your check-in Not private

10 In The End… Facebook’s control over Gowalla will change EVERYTHING
Facebook Places is just another accessory that Facebook has obtained. Facebook rules the world; no matter how hard we try to get rid of it… it finds its way back into our lives 

11 Sources 300x300.jpg 600x369.png blackfive.net_.jpg media_facebook-gowalla-cashmore_1_gowalla-facebook-places- facebook-users?_s=PM:TECH

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