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The Reading & Writing Processes

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Presentation on theme: "The Reading & Writing Processes"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Reading & Writing Processes

2 Preview (Before You read) p. 15
Read the title & subtitles Write questions about the text Read the introduction or first paragraph Read bold or italicized text Read the first sentence under each heading Identify graphics (charts, maps, photographs) Read the summary Practice

3 While You Read Predict what will happen next
Visualize what is happening Answer your questions Monitor your understanding: metacognition Consult another source Summarize sections Determine meanings of unknown words

4 Review (After You Read)
Review what you read Reflect on the reading Make connections and comparisons React to the text

5 The Writing process

6 Choose a topic Identify what you are being asked to write Brainstorm
Discuss options with a partner

7 Narrow Your topic Divorce Use branching
Ask questions: Why? How? What? P. 63 Reasons Money Effects Kids Ways to avoid Counseling Divorce

8 Identify your Purpose & Audience
Persuade Inform Entertain Audience Who will read this? What kind of language should I use? Practice

9 Select Your Point of View
What side of the story should you tell? First Person: I, me, my, we, mine Second Person: you, yours, Third Person (academic): names, he, she, they,

10 Discover ideas Freewrite-nonstop Mapping-continue your map
Brainstorm-lists Question- create questions about the topic Write assertions (take a stance) Use patterns (compare/contrast, chronological, cause & effect)

11 Develop your Thesis & Support
Thesis statement: is the main point, expresses your position, and gives clues about the content of the essay. Support: Choose types of evidence Historical background Facts/statistics Examples Problems Explanations/anecdotes(stories)

12 Draft, Revise, & Edit Write effective paragraphs, strong introductions & conclusions Analyze your purpose, audience, thesis statement Correct grammatical errors, rewrite sentences, clarify ideas

13 Preview Chapter 1: An overview of active reading pg. 13
What is the subject of Chapter 1? List the 6 major points expressed in the chapter and the topics that addressed each of the points. Back

14 Identify Purposes for Each & Select an Audience
Voting- Inform: The history of voting/ Recent Immigrants Persuade: Reasons you should vote/Young Americans Dentist visits Entertain: Tell about your first cavity/Children Shopping Daycare College Back

15 Summary Questions What are the strategies for previewing?
What should you do if you don’t understand what you are reading? What should you do after reading? How can you narrow your topic? How should your purpose be incorporated into your writing? How does the intended audience impact your writing? What is a thesis statement? What can be used to support a thesis?

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