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International Association of Employment Web Sites

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Presentation on theme: "International Association of Employment Web Sites"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Association of Employment Web Sites
Welcome! International Association of Employment Web Sites 2009 Regional Member Congress

2 An IAEWS Member Congress
The only venue: Where senior executives and their staffs From online employment sites and vendors that support them Can interact with their industry peers And explore key issues and initiatives that can affect their performance and bottom line.

3 The May Member Congress
Surviving & Prospering in the New Economy

4 Introductions Conference Chairperson: Tony Lee, Adicio
Conference Blogger: Stephen Rothberg,

5 Thanks to Our Sponsors-I
Conference Sponsors Gold: Arbita Dice Holdings, Inc. Silver: juju

6 Thanks to Our Sponsors-II
Lanyard Sponsor VetJobs Round Robin Sponsor Bernard Hodes Group Video Sponsor Boxwood

7 2009 IAEWS Board of Governors
Carol Barber Bernard Hodes Group John Bell Boxwood Ted Daywalt VetJobs Aaron Matos Jobing Constance Melrose Dice Shelly Mudd TopUSAJobs Don Ramer Arbita

8 In Your Delegate Bag Today’s Program News Update from the Association
Remaining Sponsorship Opportunities Annual Member Congress 9/09 Global Member Congress 11/09

9 State of the IAEWS and our Industry Peter Weddle
2009 May Member Congress State of the IAEWS and our Industry Peter Weddle

10 IAEWS ≈ 10% attrition in 09 Over 25 new members since 01/09
Code of Ethics Working Groups Publications Newsletter Research Insites Streaming video + blogging @Congresses

11 Industry Opportunities-JS
How did you find your last job? 35.4 % Ad or resume posted on an Internet job board 8.5% Tip from a friend 6.8% Call from a headhunter 6.6% Newspaper ad 4.9% Referral by an employee of the company How do you expect to find your next job? 62.6% Ad or resume posted on an Internet job board 5.9% Sending a resume into the company 5.5% Call from a headhunter 3.9% Networking at a business event 3.2% Ad posted on a company's Web-site Source: WEDDLE’s 2009 Source of Employment Survey

12 Industry Opportunities-ER
Percentage of new hires sourced online? 33.8% % 26.9% % 3.8% 0-10% 0.9% 0 Caliber of new hires sourced online? 53.4% Among our best employees 26.6% Above average employees 1.2% Below average employees 0.08% A hiring mistake Source: WEDDLE’s 2009 Source of Employment Survey

13 Winter Member Survey Key Findings-I
There has been little or no appreciable change in the length of advertising contracts Steps taken to control costs Reduced conference expenses (91.7%) Improved processes/procedures (91.7%) Restricted travel (83.3%) Reduced staff (66.7%) Main factor in customer’s buying decision Quality of candidates (69.2%) Brand of the job board (15.4%)

14 Winter Member Survey Key Findings-II
How are maintaining/expanding sales? Open new sales channels (61.5%) Add new services (61.5%) Discount pricing on current services (30.8%) Bundle current services into discount packages (30.8%) Where are most sales coming from? A mix of previous and new customers (46.2%) A wide range of previous customers (30.8%) A small number of previous customers (23.1%)

15 The Challenges Member Survey: Greatest threat to industry?
Social networking & social networking sites (30.8%) Commoditization of job postings (30.8%) Other (30.8%) The growing number of unqualified ad responses (7.7%)

16 Will Job Boards be the Newspapers of the 21st Century?
A War for Relevancy? RIF vs. RIS Jobs vs. Careers Will Job Boards be the Newspapers of the 21st Century?

17 The Upside of a Down Economy
- 40% - 13% $135 B Staffing Market $5 B Recruitment Advertising Market

18 Reinforcing Customer Loyalty Don Ramer
2009 May Member Congress Reinforcing Customer Loyalty Don Ramer

19 Future of the Industry Committee John Bell
2009 May Member Congress Future of the Industry Committee John Bell

20 Managing Job Seeker Expectations Gautam Godhwani
2009 May Member Congress Managing Job Seeker Expectations Gautam Godhwani

21 Closing Thoughts Tony Lee
2009 May Member Congress Closing Thoughts Tony Lee

22 Thanks to Our Sponsors Again Arbita Bernard Hodes Group Boxwood
Dice Holdings, Inc. Juju TopUSA VetJobs

23 2009 May Member Congress Member Reception You!

24 International Association of Employment Web Sites
Thanks for Being Here! International Association of Employment Web Sites See You at the Annual Congress on September 9th!

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