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Indian Empires Section 4, Chapter 6.

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1 Indian Empires Section 4, Chapter 6

2 Mauryan Empire Unites India
Chandragupta Maurya seized control of northern India in 320s BC Began an empire that lasted for 150 years He ruled with a complex government

3 He had a large network of spies and an army of 600,000
It included thousands of war elephants and chariots Farmers paid for his protection In 301 he became a Jainist monk and turned over the throne to his son

4 Mauryan Empire BC

5 Asoka He was Chandragupta’s grandson He became king in about BC and was a strong ruler He conquered most of India by fighting many bloody battles

6 A few years into his reign, however, he became a Buddhist
He improved his people’s lives by digging wells and building roads and planting trees He spread Buddhism to Asia He died in 233 BC Mauryan Empire fell in 184 BC

7 The Gupta Empire After about 500 years of division, a new dynasty was established The Gupta Dynasty came to power in about 320 AD India was united and prosperous

8 Under Candra Gupta I, Indian civilization flourished
These rulers were Hindus, so Hinduism became the major religion They built many Hindu temples But they also supported Buddism and Jainism

9 Gupta Empire 400 AD

10 Gupta Society Candra Gupta II becomes emperor in 375 AD Empire grew to its high point during his rule Fine works of art and literature were created

11 They believed the strict following of the caste system would strengthen their rule
This was not good news for women who had almost no rights in the caste system In the 400s AD the Huns invaded. Gupta rule ends by 500s

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