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ER/SER combine conference

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1 ER/SER combine conference
Present 施宏謀 Supervisor 李強忠醫師 Moderator 邱德發主任

2 Case present Name 張先生 Age: 78-year-old Gender : male 到院時間:
2009/12/03 22:51 檢傷主訴: 腹痛嘔吐 檢傷分類: 三級 Vital sign: BT: 36.8’C PR: 106 / min RR: 20 / min BP: 171/115 mmHg SaO2: 95% GCS: E4V5M6

3 Chief complaint Abdominal fullness for 1 day

4 Brief history Abdominal distension after dinner since last night (more than 1 day) Nausea vomiting once this morning No abdominal pain

5 Brief history No fever No flank pain No diarrhea No jaundice PH:
1. Duodenal ulcer s/p operation > 30 years ago 2. Old TB s/p treatment

6 Physical examination Conscious clear ; E4V5M6
HEENT: not anemic, no icteric sclera Chest : clear breathing sound Heart : RHB, no murmur Abdomen: soft, normoactive bowel sound mild tenderness over epigastric area, no rebounding pain, no Murphy’s sign, no Mcburney point tenderness

7 Additional Hx and PE More information for suspected GI tract disease:
Intake / Appetite ? Bowel habit / stool or flatus passage? Complete surgical history Pattern and content of emesis

8 Initial impression ? (ER 0:13)
Acute gastroenteritis? Intestinal adhesion Initial order : Metoclopramide 1 amp. Im. stat KUB Do you agree?

9 Differential diagnosis
Progressive and painless abdominal distention with non-bilious emesis Symptoms favor UGI disease Acute gastritis Gastric outlet obstruction (tumor) Proximal Intestinal adhesive ileus Focal inflammation or mass effect : Pancreatitis, external tumor compression

10 KUB

11 40 minutes later (ER 0:43) Still nausea, epigastragia 
Suspected free from KUB CBC/DC Cr, AST, Amylase, lipase, sugar, Bilirubin, CRP, Na, K, NPO EKG CXR (standing) L’T abdomen decubitus IVF: N/S run 80ml/hr

12 CXR

13 L’t decubitus

14 Lab data Sugar 161 mg/dL Creatinine(B) 1.02 mg/dL Amylase (B) 155 U/L
WBC /uL RBC million/uL Hemoglobin g/dL Hematocrit % MCV fL MCH pg/Cell MCHC g/dL RDW % Platelets /uL Segment % Lymphocyte % Monocyte % Eosinophil % Basophil % Sugar mg/dL Creatinine(B) mg/dL Amylase (B) U/L Lipase U/L Total Bilirubin mg/dL AST (GOT) U/L Na mEq/L K mEq/L CRP mg/L

15 ER (1:47) Persisted mild epigastric pain ill looking
Tenderness over epigastric area, diffuse, no muscle guarding or rebounding pain Suspected free air from KUB  Arrange abdominal CT (C+/-)

16 Abdominal CT (ER 2:39)

17 Observation Diagnosis : favor adhesion ileus hx of DU s/p op; old TB
On NG with decompression (non-bilious) IVF : D5S 1000ml + primperan 1amp run 125ml/hr

18 CT report (ER 11:10) S/P subtotal gastrectomy and antecolic B-II anastomosis Dilatation of the fluid-filled afferent loop Twisting of mesentery at LUQ, suggestive of volvulus Mild dilatation of the P-duct and extrahepatic bile duct Minimal ascites, no free air IMPRESSION: Afferent loop obstruction probably caused by volvulus

19 ER course 12:40 Consult T-GS abdomen : Distended, guarding
Tenderness : diffuse over upper abdomen more over RUQ and epgiastrium bowel sounds : silent no flatus passage NG : nearly no bilious content

20 GS consultation image : A-loop dilatation,
Whirl sign over LUQ, suspect volvulus << impression >> favor A-loop syndrome << plan >> arrange emergent laparotomy antibiotic IVF hydration ADMISSION

21 OP finding 1. A segment of E-loop, length 40 cm, herniated through meseteric defect with incarceration, which resulted in distension of duodenum 2. The herniated bowel was reduced through the defect, and the color and motility returned as unaffected bowel 3. Several pathcy ecchymosis was noted on the mesentery of the herniated bowel. Some pachy lesion was also noted on duodenum 4. Fluid accumulation at retroperitoneal cavity 5. No bowel perforation was noted 6. The mesenteric defect was repaired with approximation with adjacent bowel

22 Final diagnosis Patient discharge home 7 days later
s/p subtotal gastrectomy with B-II reconstruction with E-loop internal hernia Secondary afferent loop syndrome

23 Discussion Billroth’s II reconstruction complication
E-loop obstruction CT signs of internal hernia Causes of acute afferent loop obstruction

24 Billroth’s II reconstruction

25 Billroth’s II complication
77 in 310 (24.8%) developed postoperative general and surgical complications Abdominal collection 12 (3.9%), Pancreatitis/ pancreatic fistula 10 (3.2%) Intestinal occlusion/prolonged ileus 8 (2.6%) Bleeding 7 (2.3%) Wound infection 7 (2.3%) Anastomotic leakage 6 (1.9%) Treatable gastric cancer s/p subtotal gastrectomy and BII reconstruction 77/310 Ref. Postoperative complications and functional results after subtotal gastrectomy with Billroth II reconstruction for primary gastric cancer. Dig Dis Sci Aug;52(8): Epub 2007 Apr 3.

26 Postgastrectomy syndrome
Early and late Dumpling syndrome Metabolic disturbance (IDA, vitamin B12, Fat) Afferent loop syndrome Efferent Loop Obstruction Alkaline reflux gastritis Retained antrum syndrome Early = rapid passage -> diarrhea, abdominal pain, chest pain … Late = hyper G  hyperinsulin  hypoglycemia retained antrum syndrome = antrum in Duodenum and 大量gastrin  PUD Ref. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 18th Edition

27 E-loop obstruction Most common: Herniation of the limb behind the anastomosis Right-to-left direction Compression afferent loop or compromise blood supply Occur any time but 50% within 1st month Ref. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 18th Edition

28 E-loop obstruction Initial complaints: LUQ colicky pain
Bilious vomiting Abdominal distention Diagnosis base on UGI series with barium contrast Treat with operative intervention Ref. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 18th Edition

29 CT signs of internal hernia

30 Mesenteric swirl sign shows twisting of mesenteric vessels and fat around the central superior mesenteric artery axis Ref. Sensitivity and specificity of eight CT signs in the preoperative diagnosis of internal mesenteric hernia following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery Clin Radiol Apr;64(4): Epub 2008 Dec 16.

31 Hurricane eye sign Tubular shape or column of mesenteric fat in corkscrew configuration Ref. Sensitivity and specificity of eight CT signs in the preoperative diagnosis of internal mesenteric hernia following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery Clin Radiol Apr;64(4): Epub 2008 Dec 16.

32 Mushroom sign shows a mushroom
shape to the mesenteric root as it herniates through the jejuno-jejunostomy defect, bordered by the superior mesenteric artery (thin arrow) and a more distal mesenteric arterial branch (thick arrow). Ref. Sensitivity and specificity of eight CT signs in the preoperative diagnosis of internal mesenteric hernia following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery Clin Radiol Apr;64(4): Epub 2008 Dec 16.

33 Engorged mesenteric nodes
Multiple enlarged lymph nodes (arrows) clustered together within the mesentery around a central vascular axis Ref . Sensitivity and specificity of eight CT signs in the preoperative diagnosis of internal mesenteric hernia following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery Clin Radiol Apr;64(4): Epub 2008 Dec 16.

34 CT signs of internal herniation
Ref. Sensitivity and specificity of eight CT signs in the preoperative diagnosis of internal mesenteric hernia following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery Clin Radiol Apr;64(4): Epub 2008 Dec 16.

35 Acute afferent loop obstruction
Angulations of the afferent limb Internal herniation behind the efferent limb Stenosis of the gastrojejunal anastomosis Redundant twisting of the afferent limb with a resultant volvulus Adhesions involving the afferent limb Ref. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 18th Edition

36 Reference Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 18th Edition
Postoperative complications and functional results after subtotal gastrectomy with Billroth II reconstruction for primary gastric cancer. Dig Dis Sci Aug;52(8): Epub 2007 Apr 3. Sensitivity and specificity of eight CT signs in the preoperative diagnosis of internal mesenteric hernia following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery Clin Radiol Apr;64(4): Epub 2008 Dec 16.

37 Take home message Difficulty in diagnosing internal hernia
CT signs of internal hernia Early intervention if hernia presented

38 Thanks for your attention

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