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Welcome to Texas y’all.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Texas y’all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Texas y’all

2 Texas terminology 101

3 Howdy Hi Hello

4 You all Youz guys All of you Y’all want some honey?

5 How’s your bees? They’re ah’ite!
All right How’s your bees? They’re ah’ite!

6 Coke Pop Soda Soda Water Dr Pepper est in Texas!

7 Fixin to About to I’m fixin to go check on the bees!
(un-Official State verb )

8 Concealed weapon Have Honey with you
Packin Concealed weapon Have Honey with you

9 That’s some purtee honey right there now!
Pretty Beautiful That’s some purtee honey right there now!

10 Yonder Over yonder! Over there Direction Location
Where’s your bee yard? Over yonder!

11 Yanto go with me to deliver honey?
Do you want to Would you like to Yanto go with me to deliver honey?

12 Texas facts 5th in Honey Production 3rd Largest County by population
Harris County~ 4th Largest City - Houston 2nd Largest State by Area 2nd Largest State by population

13 Honey consumed in Texas
27 million people in Texas’ average consumption is 1.51 lbs according to the National Honey Board 40,770,000 lbs. Honey consumed in Texas

14 Honey consumed in Texas 40,770,000 lbs.
Texas Honey Production 8,316,000 lbs. (NASS 2015) 20%

15 Texas Beekeepers Association
members 40+ local (regional) bee clubs Launched new program to promote ~Real Texas produced honey~

16 #1 issue in Texas 10:55 am Honey Fraud: A Major Threat for the Future of Beekeeping and Bees - Dr. Norberto Garcia, NEXCO S.A. IHEO President, Argentina

17 New England news With no set guidelines and no one really checking, consumers are left to figure out ~what local means~ By FRANK CARINI/ecoRI News staff

18 Discover the Goodness of North Carolina Honey
…it is the practice of some individuals or entities to purchase honey in bulk from other regions or countries then bottle and label that honey in such manner as to imply that the consumer is buying their product, produced by their apiaries and to not disclose the true origin of the honey



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