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2 Vocab Nomadic -climate Domesticate -weather
Irrigation -hunter-gatherers History -land bridge Culture -megaliths Fossil -society Artifact -agriculture Primary source -tool Secondary source - Fertile Crescent

Speech Textbook Diary Biography Interview Artifact Autobiography Declaration of Independence

4 HISTORY A) A sports event tomorrow & an artifact from 5,000 years ago
B) A speech yesterday & an artifact from 4,000 years ago C) An invention from 100 years ago & a space flight in 3 years D) A fossil & a skyscraper that will be completed in 2 years

5 HISTORIAN Scholars who study the past, then write about it
Teach at colleges & work in libraries

6 ARCHAEOLOGIST Scholars who study the past by what was left behind
Study artifacts Carbon-14 dating Try to learn how ppl lived

7 ANTHROPOLOGIST Study cultures of past & present
Long necks, Apache Work with historians & archaeologist

8 PREHISTORY Long period of time before ppl invented writing
Over 5,000 yrs ago B.C. = before Christ A.D. = Anno Domini



11 BELL RINGER #1 1) Label a blank sheet BR #4
2) Using half the sheet, draw a pyramid with 6 layers like the one on the front board 3) Wait for further instructions

12 BR #3

13 HOMINIDS Walk upright on 2 feet Early ancestor of modern humans
5 groups Humans only ones to still exist 1st found in Africa

Eastern Africa 4-5 mill yrs ago Brain 1/3 of humans “Lucy” was in this group

15 HOMO HABILIS Means “handy man” Spread through Africa
Appeared 2.4 mill yrs ago 1st to use tools Brain ½ size

16 HOMO ERECTUS Means “upright man” Africa/2-1.5 mill yrs ago
1st to control fire 1st to migrate out of Africa

17 NEANDERTHALS Lived mostly in Europe & west Asia 230,000-30,000 yrs ago
Shorter, stocky, stronger, larger skull

18 HOMO SAPIANS 100,000 to present Means “wise man” Developed language
Migrated around world Land bridge Only group left


20 BELL RINGER #5 Relative Location Absolute Location Landforms
Physical features Weather Climate

21 PALEOLITHIC “old stone age” 2 mill---10,000 B.C.
No agriculture/farming Ppl were NOMADIC Moved from place to place to follow food

22 PALEOLITHIC Lived in small groups Life expectancy = ?
20-30 Life expectancy = ? Men = hunting/fishing Women = gathered fruits & grains

23 MESOLITHIC “middle stone age” Tools were more complex (advanced)
Bow & Arrow Fishing hooks Canoes/boats 1st pets may have appeared Dogs for hunting

24 NEOLITHIC “new stone age” 2% of history 10,000-5,000 yrs ago
Started w/ farming Women invented it Ice age killed off livestock

25 NEOLITHIC Allowed permanent settlement 1st villages rose
Jericho Ppl domesticated animals Cattle, sheep, pigs, ect

26 AGRICULTURE A.K.A. “farming” Crops or animals Created during Neolithic
Allowed permanent settlement No longer NOMADIC

27 FERTILE CRESCENT Large arch shaped, fertile piece of land
Located in the Middle East World’s 1st villages were here Flooding was common

28 JERICHO 1st established village 10,000 yrs ago
Located in fertile crescent Few thousand ppl Very small (2 soccer fields)

29 CATAL HUYUK Farming village in Turkey 8,000 yrs ago Houses connected
No doors Flat roofs Farmed, hunted, & traded


31 PROJECT QUESTIONS: 1) Why are we building Neolithic villages?
2) What are you looking for when picking a location for a village? 3) How did rules/laws impact the architectural design of the village? 4) What are some similarities & differences between Franklin compared to Neolithic villages?

32 REQUIREMENTS 1.) Village with houses connected
2.) Irrigation from a water source 3.) Domestication 4.) Agriculture 5.) 5 facts 6.) Village name/sign 7.) Color (final draft only)

33 EXTENDED RESPONSE 1) Explain in detail why during the Paleolithic time period humans only lived in small groups and never settled permanently in one area. Give specific examples to support your answer. 2) Explain in detail what a Mesolithic village would look like.

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