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Special Education “Huddle”

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Presentation on theme: "Special Education “Huddle”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Education “Huddle”
November 11th, 2014

2 November11th, 2014 Special Education “Huddle”
6/6/2018 November11th, 2014 Special Education “Huddle” Good Morning and Welcome! We will begin the Huddle shortly. Dial in number is URL Goal: Provide a weekly forum to answer LEA questions on Special Education Data Reporting. Support at:

3 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones) ; many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you

4 AGENDA Special Education December Count Interchange File Uploading
6/6/2018 AGENDA Special Education December Count Interchange File Uploading Special Education December Count Updates

5 December Count IdM Roles
Special Education December Count Respondents will need: Interchange role (s) Special Education IEP Interchange: PIPELINE SPE~LEAUSER able to submit and modify in ESSU IEP Interchange AND Data Pipeline Staff Interchange: 1 role per dataset (STF) per account: PIPELINE STF~LEAVIEWER view only role PIPELINE STF~LEAUSER Submit and Modify role

6 Snapshot Roles Snapshot role:
2 options- choose 1 from below per person (2 will lock you out) DEC~LEAAPPROVER can create snapshots and submit final data to CDE Every AU needs at least one LEA Approver DEC~LEAUSER can create snapshots but doesn’t have ability to submit final data to CDE 6

7 December Count IdM roles
Reporting options: Districts can report all Staff –regular and Special Ed Ex: STF~LEAUSER AUs can report Special Education Staff only Ex: STF~LEAUSER BOCES can only report those staff that aren’t associated with a district or the schools associated with that district Ex: STF~LEAUSER 7

8 Example Accounts PIPELINE-1001-STF~LEAVIEWER Read-Only Role
Spongebob Squarepants : District is submitting the Staff files PIPELINE-1001-STF~LEAVIEWER Read-Only Role district view only role to verify files, errors being resolved, etc. PIPELINE DEC~LEAAPPROVER Approver Role PIPELINE SPE~LEAUSER Submit and Modify Role Minnie Mouse: AU is submitting the Staff files PIPELINE STF~LEAUSER Submit and Modify Role PIPELINE SPE~LEAUSER Submit and Modify Role PIPELINE DEC~LEAAPPROVER Approver Role 8

9 What NOT to do Assign 2 STF roles to the same individual
No-no example: STF~LEAUSER and STF~LEAUSER No-no example: STF~LEAVIEWER and STF~LEAUSER An individual cannot have more than one STF role assigned to their account. Two roles of the same group (ex: STF or DEC) will lock you out of the system. 9

10 Documentation Interchanges Snapshot Special Education IEP Staff
Child Participation Staff Staff Profile Staff Assignment Association Snapshot Special Education December Count 10

11 Interchanges Special Education IEP Child & Participation Templates available CSV, TEXT (ESSU IEP INTERCHANGE) EXCEL (DATA PIPELINE) Staff Profile & Assignment Excel Spreadsheets available 11

12 IEP Interchange Options
Data Pipeline File Uploads Accepts Excel, Text, and CSV (least recommended) 1 Template option: IEP Interchange Template Excel-Data Pipeline The Text and CSV templates were created for the ESSU IEP Interchange only. They don’t contain a header row (which Pipeline requires), so you will lose your first row of data if you use the Text or CSV templates for Pipeline uploads. API Web Services coming 12/1 Those with local Enrich will see their files transfer from local Enrich straight to the Data Pipeline. (will bypass the ESSU IEP Interchange) Uploads to ESSU IEP Interchange will not be necessary once web services is in place 12

13 Helpful Hints Lost your leading zero’s in your LASID fields? Here’s a quick way to add them back . =TEXT(B2, ” ”) Do you have / in your date field? Here’s a formula to change them to MMDDYYYY Q  =TEXT(G2,”mmddyyyy”)  13

14 File Formatting File Formatting
Pipeline only accepts file extensions of: csv, txt, xls, xlsx You need a header row (in first row) Pipeline only accepts field delimiters of: , | ~ Include leading zeros (0) for required fields (for instance 01 or 02 for gender) (CSV files lose the leading zeros-you must add them back in-instructions posted). Format Checker can be helpful Only checks the FIRST ROW of data though. 14

15 Files NOT Processing? (Always verify under Batch Maintenance Screen)
Tips File upload verification will let you know whether upload was successful or not Make sure the file is not open when you go to upload it. If using the template, make sure to close the file AND the Excel book generated by the template before uploading. Don’t insert rows of data into the middle of the template Make sure you’re using “PASTE-SPECIAL VALUES” when pasting in your data. Use right and left justify to verify your field has the correct number of characters Make sure date fields don’t have slashes or hyphens 15

16 Snapshot What data is included?
What Interchanges is data pulled from? Student Profile & School Association Special Education Child & Participation Staff Profile & Assignment Association How do I create a Snapshot? (DEMO) 16

17 Timeline Interchanges Opened October 1, 2014 The following files need to have been submitted by November 11th, 2014 Special Education IEP Child Special Education IEP Participation Staff Profile Staff Assignment Snapshot Will Open November 12th, 2014 Annual Count Date December 1, 2014 17

18 Defects Known Special Education IEP Defects Known Staff Defects
Will be posted under Interchanges, Special Education IEP Known Staff Defects Will be included as part of the known Special Education December Count Defects Known Special Education December Count Defects 18

19 Defects Special Education IEP Defects
BUG 2388 – New Rule SE347 – Start Date of Sped cannot be when PAI <> 00 & Sped Funding Status <> 00 BUG 2846 – SE019 – District of Residence cannot be zero-filled Staff BUG 2942 – ST302 Grant Code is invalid - SOPs are exceptions as they report general ed staff BUG 3785 – exceptions specific to SOPs reporting regular ed BUG 3786 – Teaching Subject Area Invalid Code for JCC 202 and 416 19

20 Special Education December Count Contact Information Kristi Gleason SPED December Count collection coordinator SPED December Count Data Team Members: Lindsey Heitman – Orla Bolger – (out of the office until end of November) For technical support questions, please and remember to cc the SPED December Count data team. 20

21 Thank you for joining us today!

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