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Super heroes identify obstacles and conquer them

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1 Super heroes identify obstacles and conquer them
Mascot time for 9/11 or 9/12 Super heroes identify obstacles and conquer them

2 Academic goal setting LARGER EXAMPLE ON SLIDE 5
The handout is two-sided. refer to the progress monitor table first. Complete the progress monitoring sheet by writing “Period” in the bottom left corner. In the bottom row, IN COLUMNS 2-9, WRITE THE NAME OF YOUr CLASSES FOR PERIODS 1-8 In the 3rd row from the bottom and 1st column, write the grade intervals as shown on the example Recalling your grade from your Progress report and completing the ABC CHECK LAST WEEK, SHADE IN THE GRADE YOU EARNED FOR EACH OF YOUR CLASSES. FOR 80 AND ABOVE, SHADE THE SQUARES GREEN For 70-79, shade Yellow FOR 69 AND BELOW, SHADE RED (IF YOU DON’T HAVE MARKERS, YOU CAN USE DOTS AND OTHER PATTERNS) Place a star in the column above each course for where you would like your grade to be by the 6 weeks Period. LARGER EXAMPLE ON SLIDE 5

3 My academic goal planning sheet
In order to graduate, you must do two things: be in attendance to each class at least 90% of time (less than 4 absences per class per semester) Pass your classes Set an academic goal that will support your desire to graduate. Your academic goal can be … to earn a higher grade in 1 or more classes improve attendance to at least 90% read more or study more Write a smart goal. A smart goal is specific, Measured, attainable, relevant, and Timely. Example smart Goal: During the first semester of school, I am going to learn one new vocabulary word daily. I will then use my new vocabulary words when I speak and write in my journal over the weekend. (review my smart goal to see how it meets the smart goal definition.) Follow the instructions on the smart goal Planning sheet to write your goal and the steps you’ll need to take to meet your goal.

4 Next steps TURN IN YOUR GOALS SHEET TO YOUR MASCOT TIME TEACHER. Take a picture of it to refer to it later. You will be given your goal planning sheet back throughout the year to review your progress. When you go to your classes, share your academic goals with your teachers. Ask your teachers for help or advice in meeting your goal(s). Also, share your goals with your families and friends. Communicating your goals and staying on track will help you meet them.


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