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DAILY QUESTION February 11, 2009 What is specific heat?

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Presentation on theme: "DAILY QUESTION February 11, 2009 What is specific heat?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DAILY QUESTION February 11, 2009 What is specific heat?

2 Agenda 2/11/09 Daily Question Ch 13 Section 2 Notes Assignments:
Assignments: 1. No assignment for tonight

3 3 Ways of Heat Energy Transfer
Conduction Convection Radiation A campfire is the perfect example!  Figure 6

4 Conduction Takes place when two objects that are in contact are at unequal temperatures

5 Convection The movement of matter due to differences in density that are caused by temperature variations Only possible if the substance is a fluid A liquid or gas

6 Convection Currents The cycle of a heated fluid that rises and then cools and falls

7 Radiation Energy that is transferred as electromagnetic waves
Differs from conduction and convection It does NOT involve the movement of matter

8 Conductors Any material through which energy can be easily transferred as heat Good conductors: metals Insulators Any material that reduces the amount of energy that can be transferred Poor conductors: wood, rubber

9 Specific Heat Describes how much energy is required to raise an object’s temperature A characteristic physical property Represented by c Table 1 shows specific heats

10 Specific Heat Equation
Energy = specific heat x mass x temp. change Energy =cm∆t

11 Practice Problem How much energy must be transferred as heat to the 420 kg of water in a bathtub in order to raise the water’s temperature from 25°C to 37°C?

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